7 Tips For Weathering Cold And Flu Season

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

You’ve probably had many cold and flu viruses over the years. But you may still be surprised by just how bad a cold or the flu make you feel. And you may not remember what treatments work best or when to see a doctor. From prevention to treatment, here are the top seven things you…

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7 Superfoods To Eat To Prevent Sunburn

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

Real sun protection doesn’t come from slathering on sunscreen. It comes from the inside out, from avoiding inflammatory foods and getting plenty of good protective fats, which help the body anti-inflame and heal. The biggest thing you can do to prevent sunburn is to eat an anti-inflammatory diet.Avoid all grains, legumes, soy, dairy that isn’t…

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7 Secrets to Overcoming Obesity and Staying Healthy

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

If you’re like most Americans, you may struggle to maintain a healthy weight. Fighting obesity is a big concern for most people, but staying in shape can be a challenge. Extreme diets and gimmicky exercise plans only make weight woes worse, so if you want to wage a war against obesity, it’s best to do…

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7 Foods With Special Health Perks

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

Potatoes for lower blood pressure?  Sauerkraut for a healthy stomach?  What’s surprisingly good for you?  Coconut water, chia seeds, acai berry—there seems to be a new exotic or hard-to-find “super food” every month. So you might be surprised to hear that some items you keep stocked in your refrigerator or kitchen pantry also pack some…

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7 Beginner Kettlebell Exercises To Work Your Entire Body

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

Beginner kettlebell exercises are an excellent way to add variety to your workout routine, whether you’re new to strength training or you’re just faithful to your trusty 15-pound dumbbells. Using different equipment offers up new ways to work your muscles, which is key to seeing results, and there are endless ways to burn out your…

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6 Ways Yoga Can Improve Your Life

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

Yoga has been around for more than 5000 years. While its popularity in the west just increased within the past few decades, Yogis from India have already been practicing yoga in caves for a long time as a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline.  Considering the age of this practice, it’s natural to believe that it…

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6 Ways to Reduce Your Office Stress

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

Imagine working four hours a day, nine months a year, and earning all the money you need to do exactly what you want with your free time.  That’s how the average worker should be living now, according to predictions made a century ago. Despite the introduction of many labor-saving devices in the workplace and home,…

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6 Tips to Reduce Your Risk For Cancer

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) recently unveiled six assertive dietary guidelines for cancer prevention. Please contact us with any questions or comments. Please review our business at:  Google Yelp Facebook To learn more, please visit our Member’s Area to access our subscribed content. Did you know you can work out and exercise with a…

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6 Tips for Pain-Free Driving

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

Do you get aches and pains after spending a long time driving a car? Taking an extra minute or two to adjust your vehicle’s seat before setting off can make the difference between a pleasant and painful trip. It can also help you avoid neck, shoulder, back, hip, and leg problems. Just follow these 6…

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Diabetes, Dental Diseases, and Gum Problems

Diabetes, Dental Diseases, and Gum Problems

Unmanaged diabetes leads to high blood sugar levels in the mouth fluids facilitating the growth of bacteria that causes gum diseases. Infections from untreated periodontal diseases can cause the blood sugar to go high making it harder to manage and control diabetes. How can diabetes affect the mouth? The mouth consists of your teeth, gums,…

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