15 Healthy Habits You May Want To Establish

BE SELFISH ABOUT YOUR HEALTH We all need some “me time” in order to stay healthy. Make your health a priority. Hire a  personal trainer, find an activity you love or find some downtime at The Spa. When you’re happier and more balanced, everything magically falls into place.  MAKE EXERCISE A PRIORITY Hands down, exercise is the best thing you can do for your body. Weight control, reduced stress, immunity-boosting, anti-aging, reduced risk of developing high blood pressure and diabetes … the list is endless. Schedule your workouts like a non-negotiable appointment.  Short on time? Try HIIT (high-intensity interval training), which alternates short bursts of maximum effort with rest periods.   PLAN FOR SUCCESS If your goal is to eat healthily, plan your menu for the week. Include your family in planning,  shopping, and preparing food. If they feel more involved, they’re more likely to eat it!   GET ENOUGH SLEEP Create a comfortable sleep environment and strive for 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Sleep is not just vital for good health, but also for mental and emotional well-being. To create a  habit, try to go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every day.  AT A HEALTHY BREAKFAST Breaking the overnight fast and raising blood sugar is essential for brain function and energy level. Skipping your morning meal causes the brain and blood sugar to function erratically and your mood and energy level to dip. Get a good start to the day with a meal that includes carbs, protein, and a small amount of healthy fat.  STEP IT UP Do you know how many steps you take a day? Try to aim for 10,000. Simple actions to increase your steps include parking farther away, taking the stairs, or walking to someone’s desk rather than sending an email. If you don’t already have one, get a pedometer or download an app for your smartphone.  MAKE A SPLASH Swimming is a great mode of cross-training, providing both cardiovascular and resistance training with less impact on the joints. Schedule your group, private, or Master’s swim sessions and increase your speed and efficiency in the water.   TRY SOMETHING NEW Variety is the spice of life. Challenge your body with a new exercise or activity. Be adventurous! Give yoga a try, or a spin class, or whatever sounds exciting. There’s something for every level of fitness. See just how much you can accomplish this year! FIND A WORKOUT BUDDY Not only will you stay accountable to each other, but you’ll also have more fun. You can also save money by opting for a partner or small group personal training.  GET BACK ON TRACK If you have a nagging injury, be sure to consult a professional. They’re the experts in helping you get your life back, but it won’t happen if you do nothing.   APPLY YOUR SUNSCREEN Don’t forgo the broad-spectrum sunscreen, even when it’s cloudy outside. If you’re concerned about wrinkles, brown spots, or have noticed a change in your skin, schedule a  visit at our Medical Spa and learn how you can achieve a more youthful appearance.  RECAPTURE YOUR YOUTH Do you feel as if you’re slowing down? Now you don’t have to! Learn how to take control of how you age and optimize your life. Fitness and nutrition can help keep you feeling and acting young.  MANAGE YOUR STRESS The first step is to identify your sources of stress. Take action to reduce these, whether it’s through getting better organized, learning to say “no: making time for yoga or meditation,  taking a walk outdoors, or receiving a Spa treatment. It often helps to talk to someone and brainstorm strategies to reduce stress in your life. Feel free to contact us anytime.  TAKE YOUR SUPPLEMENTS Even if you strive to eat healthily, you can sometimes miss essential nutrients. Shelf life,  cooking, soil conditions, etc. all affect the nutrient content of food. Quality supplements help support your health and wellbeing. Visit our website or contact us for further information.  GET SOME DOWNTIME Your path to stress relief and a healthier lifestyle begins with massage therapy. Start the year off right with regular, therapeutic spa services to help you unwind, invigorate, and improve your sports performance. Try Shiatsu to balance body, mind, and spirit. For the ultimate, customized treatment, opt for a Personalized Massage.  Looking for things you can do other than watch TV? Click Here Here’s a guide on how to watch movies for free or at a discount.

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