7 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight as Fast as You Want

Weight loss isn’t as simple as most experts make it out to be. It goes beyond calories out minus calories in. Weight loss requires hard work, discipline, and consistency. And more often than not, your genetics and hormones may impact how much weight you lose.

If you’ve been on a weight loss journey for some time and haven’t seen as many changes as you would expect, here are some possible reasons:

1. Your genetics are fighting against your weight loss goals

According to recent studies, your genetics play a significant role in your body type and shape. Research on Swedish twins showed that genes could account for up to 70% of people’s body weight variation. This is partly due to the idea of a “set point” weight range, which is the weight range your body is comfortable at.

If you try to lose too much weight below this range, your body may resist and try to regain the weight.

To maintain weight loss, it’s recommended to lose weight gradually and not more than 10% of your body weight every six months.

2. Your gut isn’t healthy

According to recent studies, the bacteria in your gut (known as your microbiome) may impact your health and weight. Research suggests that consuming probiotics, prebiotics, or a combination of the two (called synbiotics) could help prevent weight gain.

The studies also found that people with less diverse gut bacteria were more likely to have a higher body mass index (BMI). To improve your gut health, try to eat more prebiotics, which are types of fiber that help feed the good bacteria in your gut. You can get prebiotics by eating a variety of fruits and vegetables.

3. You’re using medication that aids weight gain

Certain medications can cause weight gain or make it harder to lose weight due to their effects on metabolism, appetite, water retention, or fatigue. These medications include insulin, some antipsychotics, antidepressants, epilepsy treatments, steroids, and blood pressure medications.

If you unintentionally gain weight while taking these medications, talk to your doctor rather than stop the medication. The doctor may be able to switch you to a different medication or adjust your dose.

4. Age isn’t on your side

As women get older and go through menopause, they tend to lose muscle mass due to decreasing estrogen levels. This loss of muscle is significant because muscle burns more calories than fat. Post-menopausal women also tend to gain more body fat and need fewer calories as they age. However, you can still maintain a healthy weight by creating healthy habits such as eating nutrient-rich foods, limiting processed and high-sugar foods, and adding resistance training to rebuild lost muscle.

For men, testosterone levels drop as they get older. Testosterone aids muscle development and weight loss. So, if you’re getting deficient, you might want to consider typing “testosterone replacement therapy near me” to get your hormone replenished. This will make building muscles and burning fat easier.

5. Over-eating after a skipped meal

Skipping meals and eating very little can lead to overeating and binge eating later, as your body will start craving food and make you eat more than necessary. Eat on a regular schedule and plan meals to avoid overeating.

It’s also advisable to incorporate a variety of foods into your diet, so you don’t feel deprived and can still enjoy some treats like ice cream from time to time.

6. You’re not exercising as much as you think

While striving to shed some pounds, what you eat and how much you eat is crucial. Nevertheless, engaging in physical activity is key to maintaining weight loss because it enables you to burn fat and carbs.

Individuals who make exercise a regular part of their lifestyle tend to keep off the weight for an extended period successfully.

7. You often eat mindlessly

Mindless or distracted eating, such as snacking while using your phone, can lead to overeating and difficulty recalling what you’ve consumed. According to one study, distracted eating is linked to a higher BMI. However, being conscious of what you’re eating helps you recognize when you’re full and satisfied.

Try cooking or assembling your own meals when possible to address this issue. This allows you to appreciate the effort put into preparing your food and may encourage you to enjoy your meal rather than just devouring it. Additionally, take a few minutes away from electronic devices while eating.

The bottom line

These factors discussed above are all barriers to weight loss, but the good thing is they all have their corresponding solutions, which we mentioned. Weight loss takes the right mindset and consistency, as it’s not a one-time thing but a lifetime. Make exercise a part of your lifestyle, eat correctly, supplement your depleting testosterone levels, maintain healthy habits, and your weight loss may become much faster.

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