wellness journey

Starting A Personal Wellness Journey At Home

By Terry Linde | March 16, 2022

If you are ready to start your personal wellness journey, the best place to do so is to start at home. This way, you will be held accountable and be able to create more wellness in your everyday life. A personal wellness journey has to be about more than just one goal or intention. It…

Getting Fit at Home

Getting Fit at Home

By Terry Linde | March 9, 2022

I don’t recall ever coming across someone who doesn’t want to be fit, but some people lazy around the idea because they probably want fast results without putting in any real effort.  Such a person will come up with excuses like, “I’ll start on Monday; it’s too hot (or cold) outside; I have a hectic…

Yoga: 5 Unexpected Health Benefits of It

By Terry Linde | March 2, 2022

Learn how the health benefits of doing yoga can help you reach your personal health and wellness goals.

Managing Stress and Anxiety During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Managing Stress and Anxiety During the Covid-19 Pandemic

By Terry Linde | February 24, 2022

Our bodies are designed to react to anything that causes physical, emotional or psychological strain, i.e., stress. Stress can be positive, say when it helps you complete a project at the required time, and negative when it’s out of control and lands you into a state of depression, substance abuse, etc. It’s very normal for…

Blood Sugar

Top 5 Sugar Shockers

By Terry Linde | February 23, 2022

Surprising foods you never knew were loaded with sugar When it comes to sweet treats like doughnuts, cakes, and cookies, it’s pretty obvious that they’re loaded with sugar. But what about the not-so-obvious foods? Health professionals agree that we need to use more discretion when consuming certain foods. Reading nutrition labels, checking ingredients and doing,…

beauty products

How Effective Are Natural Beauty Products to Your Skin?

By Terry Linde | February 16, 2022

I remember my first day of high school when my mother walked me into the bathroom and told me to take off all my makeup. I protested but she was insistent. Thirty minutes later, I walked out of the bathroom with a bare face and my skin felt so smooth and fresh. Women spend a…

Diffusing Domestic Tension in the Pandemic

House of Cards: Diffusing Domestic Tension in the Pandemic

By Terry Linde | February 9, 2022

For many of us, the pandemic has represented not only a time of isolation but also a time of friction. Spending so much time at home with our loved ones often puts a strain on relationships, resulting in arguments, fallout, and sometimes even breakups. If you’re struggling with any of the above, you may need…


Thru a Zen lens: Another way to look at cancer (Part I & II)

By Terry Linde | February 2, 2022

Your Nutritional Moment of Zen   A theory: What to do about it…before, during…and after It’s worth repeating several times): An ounce of prevention is worth a pound ton of cure Part 1 – The premise behind this paper It comes down to this: You can’t expect to go down the right road when you are…

Cold weather fitness

How to Maintain Your Fitness When the Cold Weather Keeps You Inside

By Terry Linde | January 27, 2022

Is cold weather bringing down your workout routine? You can stay fit and healthy even when you’re stuck indoors. Here are some tips for keeping up your program no matter what Mother Nature throws your way. Make Exercise Convenient One of the key factors in keeping up a fitness routine when the weather keeps you…

Helping a Loved One Suffering From a Chronic Condition

Helping a Loved One Suffering From a Chronic Condition

By Terry Linde | January 19, 2022

If you’re a friend or caregiver to a patient with a chronic condition such as Alzheimer’s or dementia, or if your loved one suffered a stroke that led to a long-term disability, you may be wondering how you can help to improve their lives. Even though some chronic conditions like arthritis and diabetes are incurable,…