Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Medicine

3 Ways Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Medicine

By Terry Linde | November 25, 2019

This post was originally posted in The AEDITION. We may not be at the point where you overhear your surgeon saying, “Hey, Google, pass the scalpel,” but artificial intelligence (AI) is gradually making its way into the healthcare industry and, by extension, dermatology and plastic surgery practices, too. Even in its limited use, AI is…

Low-Stress Self-Care

4 Low-Stress Self-Care Ideas for Busy People on a Budget

By Terry Linde | November 20, 2019

Think that self-care has to be expensive and time-consuming to work? Well, you should definitely rethink your ideas about self-care! Some of the most effective self-care steps you can take don’t have to take a lot of time or money. So even if you are always busy and on a budget, you should be able…

Men’s Grooming

The Ultimate Guide To Men’s Grooming

By Terry Linde | November 14, 2019

This post was originally posted in The AEDITION. There’s a stereotype out there that men don’t like to take care of their skin. While it’s been said stereotypes contain a nugget of truth, we beg to differ. It’s not that men don’t like to take care of their skin — it’s that most guys don’t…

Breast Cancer

What To Do If You Find A Lump In Your Breast

By Terry Linde | November 6, 2019

The post was originally posted in The AEDITION. Since 1985, October has served as Breast Cancer Awareness (BCA) Month — a period devoted to educating the public on the disease that, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is the second most common form of cancer in women, regardless of race or…


The Complete Guide to Cellulite

By Terry Linde | October 22, 2019

This article origianlly appeared in AEDITION. Cellulite is likely to affect more than 80% of women at some point in their lives. Commonly referred to as “cottage cheese skin”, this condition creates lumpy, dimpled flesh on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and hips. It can happen to men and women but is much more common in…

Get Fit

Get Fit First: Why Plastic Surgery Can’t Sub For Weight Loss

By Terry Linde | October 16, 2019

This post originally appeared on AEDITITON. The allure of the before-and-after photo can be so tantalizing: A patient showing off the seemingly instant gratification of a life-changing body transformation completed in a matter of hours. But do those snapshots — ubiquitous on social media — tell the whole story? The short answer is no. While…

Can You Lose Weight From Your Couch

Can You Lose Weight From Your Couch?

By Terry Linde | October 9, 2019

This post originally appeared on AEDITITON. We’ve all entertained some version of the same fantasy: skipping the gym in favor of a Netflix marathon while still losing weight. Well, what was once dismissed as a daydream is increasingly becoming a reality. Recent advances combined with new applications of existing technology have turned non-surgical body contouring…

weight loss

Hunger and Satiety Hormones High After Diet-and Exercise-Induced Weight Loss

By Terry Linde | October 2, 2019

by Natalie Digate Muth, MD, MPH, RDN, FAAP Researchers are just beginning to understand why weight loss maintenance is so difficult. We know that at least part of the answer lies in metabolic changes that often accompany weight loss. For example, studies show that after diet-induced weight loss, the hunger hormone ghrelin increases, while satiety decreases…


5 Dental Treatments to Enhance Your Smile

By Terry Linde | September 25, 2019

This article originally appeared on AEDITION Our smiles mean a lot to us. The good news is that cosmetic dentistry is more advanced and popular than ever. Cosmetic dentist Dr. Anjali Rajpal tells us how to get a picture perfect smile. Our smiles mean a lot to us. According to the American Academy of Cosmetic…

Rest & Recovery

Rest & Recovery

By Terry Linde | September 18, 2019

Are you training for a race or a run or exercising for health benefits? Did you know that recovery from training is actually more important than the training itself, as repair and rebuilding of damaged muscle tissue can occur only during a recovery period? Charlie Hoolihan, director of personal training for the Pelican Athletic Club…