How Holistic Treatment Helped Me Discover Healthy Habits in Recovery
I struggled with drug addiction for many years which caused significant damage to my mind and body. I didn’t have any healthy habits. I deprived my body of nutrients because I got high instead of eating. I didn’t exercise because I had no desire to take care of myself. I didn’t meditate because I felt…
Holistic Health: Self-Care Tips for Busy People
You can establish a great workout routine that keeps you trim and muscular, but if your mental and emotional states are suffering, then you aren’t truly in good health. After all, when it comes to your overall health and well-being, mind and body go together like a hand in a glove. What’s needed is a…
Is It Okay To Drink Bubbly Beverages Every Day?
Have you ever had a day where you’ve worked out really hard and you didn’t drink enough water? You know how badly you feel. You might get a headache. You might have a funny taste in your mouth, or feel a distinct lack of energy. That’s because your body needs water, and when you stress…
What is GERD?
Alan Gaby, MD had a great saying that describes the progression of poor health in America. He said it was a sequence, “Big Mac, Zantac, Prozac”. In other words, you eat junk, you develop digestive problems (reflux) and eventually, through the lack of necessary cofactors and nutrients, the nervous system is affected, creating depression. GERD…
Is Your Mattress Harming Your Health? 3 Questions to Ask
How can you tell if you are you getting good sleep? You wonder why you’re yawning all day, especially when you got eight hours of sleep. You don’t understand why your hips and knees hurt when you wake up — it’s not like you’ve been moving a lot. Maybe you have had chronic pain or…
Keep Your Child Healthy: A Surprising Way to Boost Immunity
A double-blind, placebo-controlled study appearing in the journal Pediatrics (2009; 124(2): e172-9) looked at the effect supplementation in a group of children between the ages of three and five had on the immune system. The 110 subjects were given either a placebo, Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM (a single probiotic), or a combination of probiotics. Taking the…
The Complete Guide to Resistance Band Training for Strength and Fitness
Resistance band training has gained immense popularity over the years due to its versatility, convenience, and effectiveness. Originally used for muscle rehabilitation in the early 20th century, resistance bands have since evolved into a staple tool in general fitness and strength training. From their humble beginnings made of surgical tubing, these bands have come a…
Mula Bandha
In yoga, proper core engagement is fundamental to a safe and healthy practice. By learning to activate the muscles in the trunk of the body, one can gain strength and stability that can be used in everyday movements. Have you ever been in a fitness class and heard the instructor throw out the words “engage…
Addiction and Eating Disorders
According to the National Eating Disorders website up to 50% of individuals with eating disorders abused alcohol or illicit drugs, a rate five times higher than the general population. Up to 35% of individuals who abused or were dependent on alcohol or other drugs have also had eating disorders, a rate 11 times greater than…
How to Be Healthy | Five Ways to Revitalize Body and Mind
When we think about being healthy, it is easy to think of hours at the gym, or fad diets. Yet you can maintain a healthier lifestyle that benefits both body and mind by following simple strategies. Here are some easy techniques to staying on top of your wellness. Find Your Outlet Stress is pernicious, and…