Women’s Heart Health and the Warning Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore
By: Providence Health Team Interview with Lori M. Tam, MD, a cardiologist at the Providence Heart Institute in Portland Oregon and Medical Director of the Women’s Heart Program, on the importance of women’s heart health. The signs and symptoms of heart disease can be subtle and sometimes confusing. If you experience any symptoms of concern such…
Alcohol & Breast Cancer Infographic
In this blog post, we present an infographic that weighs up recent studies that say drinking moderate amounts of alcohol could increase the risk of getting breast cancer. Almost unbelievably, just over one in ten women will suffer from breast cancer in their lifetimes. Recent studies say these risks are increased in proportion to the…
Brightening Your Day: How Outdoor Exercise Benefits Cancer Patients
Regular exercise and eating right are two hallmarks of life, especially when a person is dealing with a cancer diagnosis. The dietary aspect may be easy to achieve, but the exercise is a lot more elusive. Going to the gym is always an option, but there may be drawbacks to indoor workouts. As cancer patients…
Top 5 Sugar Shockers
Surprising foods you never knew were loaded with sugar When it comes to sweet treats like doughnuts, cakes, and cookies, it’s pretty obvious that they’re loaded with sugar. But what about the not-so-obvious foods? Health professionals agree that we need to use more discretion when consuming certain foods. Reading nutrition labels, checking ingredients, and doing…
Can Fitness Trackers Aid Weight Loss?
by Sally Phillips Smartwatches, fitness trackers, and the popularity of fitness apps have grown dramatically in recent years. Technology has come a long way and is continuing to develop at a great pace. This expanding market is worth a vast amount of money and predictions are that this will keep rising. There has been a…
Holiday Weight Gain: Taking It Off Is Harder Than Putting It On
By: Providence Medical Group An international team of researchers has parsed the numbers and reached a conclusion that you already knew, way down deep inside. It turns out that most people in three developed countries – the United States, Germany, and Japan – gain a noticeable amount of weight over the holidays. And some of it…
Should I Worry About Caffeine & My Morning Supplements?
Is it true my morning caffeine is depleting my minerals and B vitamins? Should I wait to take my supplements until I have finished my coffee? The short answer, Yes! Calcium All the research I can find states that per 150 mg (about one cup) of caffeine, roughly 5 mg of calcium is lost. This…
What’s The Best Time Of Day To Work Out?
People have different goals they are trying to accomplish when they are exercising. Some people want to avoid health ailments, such as; diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and mental deterioration. Others are looking to regain their strength, decrease stress, or just have fun in a social setting. People ask if early morning or later afternoon is…
Targeting the Core from Different Angles
Essentially, any exercise that uses the anterior and/or posterior muscles to stabilize the spine—and is performed in a coordinated fashion—works the core. It’s important to include some kind of core moves in all classes, particularly those in which core training might not be emphasized. Try the following exercises in one of your next classes; the moves are appropriate…
You’ve Had a Back Attack. Now What?
YOU LIFTED a toddler, reached high for a jar in the kitchen, or twisted for that dastardly overhead on the tennis court. And now the pain in your back is excruciating. So what to do? First, some reassurance. Though a back injury can knock you out of commission, a vast majority of people feel much…