Mediterranean Diet May Improve Cognition Later in Life

Mediterranean Diet May Improve Cognition Later in Life

Memory and thinking tend to decline when adults enter their late 70s, but the underlying factors for this diminished cognition have been poorly understood. Recent research from the University of Edinburgh has exposed that this cognitive decline can be mitigated by eating a Mediterranean diet, particularly if the diet is filled with green leafy vegetables and lower…

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Utilizing Tech Solutions for Diabetic Wellness and Caregiver Support

Utilizing Tech Solutions for Diabetic Wellness and Caregiver Support

Introduction  Diabetes is a formidable global health challenge, with millions across the world enduring the disease, irrespective of age and background. It’s a chronic condition that requires constant monitoring and management, demanding a significant commitment from those diagnosed and those who care for them. Technological innovation can be seen as a glimmer of hope- much…

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10 Tips to Cut Calories

10 Tips to Cut Calories

by Len Kravitz, PhD For the first time, overeating is a larger problem than starvation among the world’s overall population (Buchanan & Sheffield 2017). Losing weight—and, perhaps more importantly, not regaining it—is a challenge facing millions of people worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), global obesity rates have nearly tripled since 1975. Further, 1.9 billion adults…

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How Attitude and Mindfulness Affect Kratom Enthusiasts’ Wellness

How Attitude and Mindfulness Affect Kratom Enthusiasts' Wellness

Introduction Lately, Kratom has gained popularity as a natural solution for different sicknesses, including anxiety. However, the viability of Kratom in managing stress can be affected by factors past its chemical composition. Attitude and mindfulness play vital roles in how Kratom enthusiasts experience its advantages for their general wellness. Understanding Kratom Kratom, experimentally known as…

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Simple Nutrition Tips to Support Addiction Recovery

Simple Nutrition Tips to Support Addiction Recovery

Addiction recovery requires several healthy coping strategies, such as getting enough sleep and dealing with stressors. Nutrition can also help you in your recovery, but you may not know where to start. Below are some simple addiction recovery nutrition tips that can help you maximize your healing journey.  Consider Possible Nutrition Deficiencies  Different types of…

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High Fiber Diet Influences Inflammation

High Fiber Diet Influences Inflammation

A recent study on the differences between a Western diet versus a fiber-rich, traditional Tanzanian diet shows the latter may lead to the production of fewer inflammatory proteins by the immune system. Previous studies have shown a new wave of urbanization in sub-Saharan Africa, which is having important consequences on health and disease patterns in the area.…

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Does Combined Resistance and High-intensity Interval Training Counteract Inflammation Induced by Chemotherapy?

Does Combined Resistance and High-intensity Interval Training Counteract Inflammation Induced by Chemotherapy?

Fatigue is recognized as one of the most prevalent and burdensome adverse effects of cancer and its treatment, significantly impairing daily life activities with subsequent reductions in quality of life. Over the past decade, extensive research has shown that something as simple and accessible as exercise has the potential to counteract several cancer- and treatment-related…

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Ketogenic Diets and Lipedema

Ketogenic Diets and Lipedema

Ketogenic diets have exploded in popularity among people looking to lose weight and improve health concerns related to insulin resistance or dysregulated blood sugar. However, the efficacy of very low-carb diets doesn’t end with weight loss and metabolic issues. Emerging research suggests that the ketogenic way of eating may have a potential therapeutic role across a broad…

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Exercise Later in the Day for Better Blood Glucose Control?

Exercise Later in the Day for Better Blood Glucose Control

Miriam E. Tucker Performing moderate to vigorous activity (MVPA) in the afternoon or evening may improve blood glucose control to a greater extent than exercising evenly throughout the day, new research suggests.The data come from 775 participants with a mean body mass index (BMI) of 26.2 kg/m2 in the observational Netherlands Epidemiology of Obesity (NEO) study. The use of…

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