Low-Fat Versus Low-Carb Diet? It’s a Draw

Low-Fat Versus Low-Carb Diet

For decades researchers have sought to find the best diet to help people achieve the elusive goal of permanent weight loss. In the context of a worsening obesity epidemic and massive efforts underway to attempt to curb it, health professionals and the public are hungry for an answer. What diet will best help us improve…

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What Are Ketones And How Does Your Body Use Them?


People have been searching for the best way to get in shape, get healthy, and lose weight for decades. There have been hundreds, if not thousands of different types of diets and weight loss fads that have come and gone, but most people are still searching for something that works for them. Everyone wants a…

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Some Great Ways to Lose Weight, According to Science

weight loss

You have probably come across many weight loss fads and trends that come and go, that might work for your co-worker’s neighbor’s daughter. But the most reliable ways to lose weight have to be backed by science. And that’s what this article is about – here are some of the best ways to lose weight,…

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Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Dietary Guidelines for Americans

The title of the latest DGA (Dietary Guidelines for Americans) reflects that they cover 5 years, not just one. That was a welcome change, as was the recommendation about coffee—you may be glad to know the DGAC concluded that moderate consumption can be part of a healthy diet. Low-calorie sweeteners, especially aspartame, were reviewed and…

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If You’re An Athlete, You Need To Take These Supplements

If You're An Athlete, You Need To Take These Supplements

Supplements can allow you to see significant gains as an athlete. But which ones should you take? We break down everything you need to know. How was Muhammad Ali able to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee? How did Jordan take off from the free-throw line? Have you seen that one handed…

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The Top Foods Contributing To Salt In Our Diet

The Top Foods Contributing To Salt In Our Diet

By: Mike Francis To those who live for hamburgers and hot dogs: You’re not going to like this list. Same with you, bagel biters and pepperoni people. But it’s knowledge you should have.  You’re eating a lot of salt. And it’s coming from an assortment of foods that are very common in the American diet.  This…

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Top 5 Sugar Shockers

Top 5 Sugar Schockers

Surprising foods you never knew were loaded with sugar When it comes to sweet treats like doughnuts, cakes, and cookies, it’s pretty obvious that they’re loaded with sugar. But what about the not-so-obvious foods? Health professionals agree that we need to use more discretion when consuming certain foods. Reading nutrition labels, checking ingredients, and doing…

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Coconut Oil – Healthy or Hype?

Coconut Oil

By: Chef Tse Coconut oil has long been hailed by people in the culinary industry as a great alternative to traditional fats. Unlike most oils, coconut oil is solid at room temperature – think nature’s version of Crisco. I use it in anything from stir-fries to baked goods. But like all fats, I use it in…

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10 Foods to Improve Your Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux

By: Providence Health Team Do you have a burning feeling? If you frequently experience heartburn or discomfort in the abdomen or chest after eating, you may have acid reflux. Don’t worry; you are not alone. A recent study suggests that 60 percent of the population experience acid reflux at some point. About 20 to 30 percent experience it…

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