Lifestyle Can Thwart Cancer

Lifestyle Can Thwart Cancer

MICHAEL DREGNI Thirty-year mega study finds up to 48 percent of carcinoma could be prevented with healthy lifestyles. Healthy behaviors could prevent many cancer cases and deaths in the United States, according to a recent Harvard study published online by JAMA Oncology. Researchers examined the lifestyles and medical records of more than 135,000 white male and…

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The Most Important Attributes of Probiotics

The Most Important Attributes of Probiotics

To experience health benefits from probiotic supplementation, it’s important to understand which attributes make a probiotic effective.  Before determining which probiotics, the source, and the amounts, it is important to determine the intention of using such an intervention. Probiotics are often used for general health or as a means to restore normal function after an…

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Why Good Health Starts With Gut Health

Why Good Health Starts With Gut Health

With growing interest in the human digestive tract, many individuals are curious about overall gut health. The gastrointestinal tract starts at the mouth and continues through the colon. Throughout the gastrointestinal tract are bacteria, fungi, and archaea, also known as the gut microbiota, which play a major role in digestive and total body health.1,2 (When the term…

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The Role of HCl in Digestion

The Role of HCl in Digestion

Digestion starts with the sight, thought, or smell of food. When the brain anticipates an incoming meal, the vagus nerve sends a message to the stomach causing the release of acetylcholine. The binding of acetylcholine to G cells in the stomach starts the secretion of gastrin and, in combination with acetylcholine and histamine, stimulates parietal cells…

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