Some Things to Know About Fat


With diabetes, eating thoughtfully is important for your well-being. A healthy diet can help to regulate blood sugars while decreasing the risk of heart disease. Eating the right kind of fats, in the right amounts, such as avocado, salmon, and nuts is part of a heart-healthy diet. There are about 94 million adults in the…

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The Function of Fat – Part III, In Search of that 10%…

Your Nutritional Moment of Zen       But first, some “Fun” Facts about Fat: Where to Find Your (Omega-3) Fat: First though, I want to remind you that 10% max of your caloric intake should be fat, so regarding the list below, more and more is definitely not better and better. Very small amounts are all you…

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The Function of Fat – Part II, Too much of a good thing…

okinawa diet

Your Nutritional Moment of Zen       (Editor’s Note: A bit late this week due to homework! Had to research and write a paper on “The Joys of Having a Hysterectomy”. FYI – There aren’t very many…) Last week we looked at the important roles of fat in our bodies. You may recall there are a bunch.…

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The Function of Fat (In Humans…)

function of fat

Your Nutritional Moment of Zen         We have a love / hate relationship with fat: Nobody wants to be fat, so we try to avoid foods with lots of fat for that reason, while at the same time we crave foods that have lots of fat in them (ice cream, eggs, butter, cheese, steak, birthday cake,…

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Diets Make You Fat

Diets Make You Fat

In 1919, Dr. Lulu Hunt Peters wrote the book Diet and Health. In it she presented the concept of counting calories. A calorie is a measurement of energy (much like the BTU used to rate furnaces).  In nutrition, it is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one liter of water one…

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Low-Fat Versus Low-Carb Diet? It’s a Draw

Low-Fat Versus Low-Carb Diet

For decades researchers have sought to find the best diet to help people achieve the elusive goal of permanent weight loss. In the context of a worsening obesity epidemic and massive efforts underway to attempt to curb it, health professionals and the public are hungry for an answer. What diet will best help us improve…

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