3 Easy Steps for Staying Well During Cold and Flu Season

3 Easy Steps for Staying Well During Cold and Flu Season

So what can you do so that your time off can be used for a vacation, a retreat, or a business conference instead of at home feeling miserable? What can you do to avoid canceling your appointments or exposing your clients?  Rest is still the best medicine for sure if you do get it, but…

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Is it Allergies or a Cold?

Allergies or cold

In the Pacific Northwest, a great summer has led to a long allergy season. This gives us a chance to make sure we’re prepared, says Dr. Mark La Shell from the Allergy and Asthma Department at Kaiser Permanente Washington. Use our seasonal allergies action plan as a quick, easy cheat sheet for allergy season prep. Cold and allergy symptoms…

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Coconut Oil – Healthy or Hype?

Coconut Oil

By: Chef Tse Coconut oil has long been hailed by people in the culinary industry as a great alternative to traditional fats. Unlike most oils, coconut oil is solid at room temperature – think nature’s version of Crisco. I use it in anything from stir-fries to baked goods. But like all fats, I use it in…

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10 Foods to Improve Your Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux

By: Providence Health Team Do you have a burning feeling? If you frequently experience heartburn or discomfort in the abdomen or chest after eating, you may have acid reflux. Don’t worry; you are not alone. A recent study suggests that 60 percent of the population experience acid reflux at some point. About 20 to 30 percent experience it…

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The Ultimate Guide to Fitness

The Ultimate Guide to Fitness

By: Andrea Blair Cirignano, Certified Yoga And Group Fitness Instructor Whether you’re looking to drop a few pounds, tone up or maintain the current figure you’ve already worked so hard for, this is your ultimate guide to fitness. Discover the basic vital knowledge you need to get started and learn more about goal-setting, how to stay…

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Popcorn: Is It A Good Snack?


POPCORN HAS the crunchy, salty appeal of chips or pretzels, but you can have 3 cups of the air-popped snack for slightly fewer calories than you’ll find in one sourdough pretzel. Perhaps that explains the huge increase in demand for bagged pop­corn. According to market research firm Mintel, 54 percent of Americans surveyed in 2016…

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How to Be Happy and Healthy All Year Long

How long has it been since you took a long, hard look at your health and fitness goals? When is the last time you challenged yourself to take leaps and bounds in the direction of total wellness?  Your health cannot only determine the longevity of your life, but it impacts the quality of your life…

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Sitting Too Much Ages You By 8 Years

Sitting Too Much

Alice Park Sitting too much during the day has been linked to a host of diseases, from obesity to heart problems and diabetes, as well as early death. It’s not hard to understand why: being inactive can contribute to weight gain, which in turn is a risk factor for heart attack, stroke, hypertension, and unhealthy blood sugar…

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Short Stretches of Exercise May Have Anti-Inflammatory Effect

Short Stretches of Exercise May Have Anti-Inflammatory Effect

20 minutes on a treadmill linked to drop in immune cells tied to inflammation, study finds (HealthDay News) — Just 20 minutes of moderate exercise may dampen inflammation in the body, researchers say. The study findings suggest that “exercise doesn’t have to be tremendously hard for you to see health benefits from it,” said study…

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