What to Look for in Your CBD Products!

How Is CBD Proved To Be A Well Source Of Mind Relaxation

Your clients are asking more and more about CBD and if it is safe or even legal. The stigma regarding cannabis is going away, if not already with most people. Studies and research over the years have shown that cannabinoid (CBD) is not only safe, but very effective in a number of conditions, such as…

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Berberine and Blood Sugar

Berberine-A Promising Therapeutic Agent for Metabolic Health

Berberine has become synonymous with supporting the maintenance of healthy blood sugar levels, as well as having benefits for the gut, brain, and heart. A recent article delves into the biological mechanisms of this botanical to confirm its influence on blood sugar. Although not fully understood, the pathogenesis of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) seems to stem…

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Calorie Counts on Menus: Do They Work?

Calorie Counts on Menus

Do you eat out often? Are you looking for help in choosing lower-calorie meals? In a new study, Cornell researchers conducted a randomized experiment to see whether calorie counts on menus are affecting what customers order in full-service restaurants. They found that diners whose menus listed calories ordered meals with 3% fewer calories—about 45 calories less—than…

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Portions: We Can Be Happy with Less

Portions: We Can Be Happy with Less

by Matthew Kadey, MS, RD Ballooning portion sizes are considered a major player in the startling rise in obesity rates in recent decades, but current research points to evidence that we can turn this around. A study in the April edition of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that exposure to smaller food portions can recalibrate people’s…

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Hip Exercises For Women To Get Sexy and Slimmer Hips

Hip Exercises For Women To Get Sexy and Slimmer Hips

Looking to slim down and tone your hips?  Try this routine for hip exercises that will get you sexy and slimmer hips.  Perform each exercise one after the other completing 20-25 repetitions per exercise.  Build up to going through the circuit 2 times. LYING HIP ABDUCTION Lie on your side with the bottom leg bent…

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Functional Training for Active, Independent Living

Functional Training

by Shirley Archer, JD, MA Healthy aging is more than the absence of disease, according to the World Health Organization: “For most older people, the maintenance of functional ability has the highest importance” (WHO 2015). Colin Milner, founder and CEO of the International Council on Active Aging in Vancouver, British Columbia, echoes that statement: “When looking…

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Exercise and Improved Cognition

Cognitive Health

A new study by a Massachusetts General Hospital research team found that exercise is one of the best ways to turn on neurogenesis, the process of producing new neurons. Neurogenesis takes place in the hippocampus and striatum and is essential to learning and memory. Because beneficial effects on cognition are often blocked in patients with Alzheimer’s disease…

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The Anti-Diet: Intuitive Eating

The Anti-Diet-Intuitive Eating

by Kirsten Ackerman, MS, RDN Intuitive eating encourages internal regulation of the eating experience (REF). Unlike many traditional diets, intuitive eating encourages people to listen to and honor their internal cues for hunger and fullness. It also discourages food judgments that some foods are “good” and others are “bad.” Rather than having people try to override…

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Eating a Better Breakfast

The alarm rings and you press “snooze” one time too many. By the time you roll out of bed, you think it’s too late for breakfast, so you don’t eat. While some people do skip breakfast on a regular basis, it’s not a good idea. The potential perils include a more sluggish metabolism as the…

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Surprising News on Diabetic Symptoms

Diabetic Symptoms

Research published online in The Journals of Gerontology turned up some unexpected findings about type 2 diabetes. Just 2 weeks without much activity can have a dramatic impact on health, according to researchers who studied overweight older adults at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. And unfortunately, it may be difficult to recover from this negative effect.…

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