High-Intensity Functional Training—Make It Safe

High-Intensity Functional Training

by Justin Price, MA Many people can’t seem to get enough of workouts that meld functional movements with high-intensity resistance training. Indeed, workouts using dynamic, high-intensity, full-body movements are great for strength and health—provided the body functions properly and exercisers use correct technique. They understand the musculoskeletal benefits of combining functional motions with intense exercise like gymnastics, weightlifting, running or rowing.…

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Prepare to Squat


by Lynne Skilton-Hayes Why is it that so few people can squat correctly, yet my 8-year-old son squats perfectly? I’ve never taught him how to squat; he innately learned how, just as he learned to roll over, crawl, pull himself up, and eventually walk. He simply needed the freedom to allow his body to move. Movement before…

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Can Diet Affect Depression?

Can Diet Affect Depression?

Two recent studies examined the impact of diet on depression. The first looked at diet and the prevalence of people developing depression; the second looked at subjects who were already depressed. DASH Diet and Depression In one study, researchers found that people who ate vegetables, fruit, and whole grains had lower rates of depression over time, according…

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The 5 Best Natural Muscle Relaxers

A muscular spasm is something we all go through from time to time as a result of overworking our muscles. From heavy exercises and strenuous sports activities to disregarding the importance of pre-workout stretching, there are several things that can cause muscle tension. Whichever the case may be, it’s better to avoid using over-the-counter medications…

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Digital Detoxing

Digital Detoxing

Cellphones, computers, tablets. All of these are important tools. But technology can seep into every moment of your life and take over. Do you need to step away from email or give your smartphone a rest from time to time? Digital detoxing is becoming increasingly popular as a response to tech overload. Discover the benefits…

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Nutrients to Support Vision Health

Vision Health

Vision is something I think most of us take for granted. How often are we taking a step back and expressing gratitude for being able to look around and see vivid colors, clear faces, and fluffy four-legged friends? Today, I would like to take a few minutes to bring attention to eye health and the…

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Magnesium & Vitamin D, Better Together

Magnesium & Vitamin D

Oftentimes, we focus on a single nutrient and how it impacts our physiology. However, one study recently highlighted the importance of remembering the synergy between nutrients. Magnesium and vitamin D, for example, are two such nutrients that prove to be better off together than alone. In a recent review published in the Journal of the…

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Things To Consider In Selecting A Health Club

Things To Consider In Selecting A Health Club

Before you can get started with a physical fitness program, de­cide what type of equipment you want to use (free weights, machines, Nautilus, Cybex, etc.) and where you want to train (home, health club, hard-core gym, office, etc.).  The best choice for you is the facility and equipment that fits you and your lifestyle best and…

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Diabetes in the Gut

Diabetes in the Gut

When thinking about diabetes and dysmetabolism, we look at a number of tissues such as adipose, liver, muscle and pancreas, but are we considering enough the role of the gut? Metabolic syndrome is defined as a cluster of physiological abnormalities that increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Risk factors include a…

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How Blue Light Affects Your Children’s Sleep

How Blue Light Affects Your Children’s Sleep

By: Providence Health Team As hard as it may be to get kids to stop watching TV or turn off their electronic devices before bed, there are more reasons than ever to do so, according to science. Not only does staying up late make children groggy during the day, but a study conducted at King’s College in the…

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