Holiday Weight Gain: Taking It Off Is Harder Than Putting It On

holiday weight gain

By: Providence Medical Group An international team of researchers has parsed the numbers and reached a conclusion that you already knew, way down deep inside. It turns out that most people in three developed countries – the United States, Germany, and Japan – gain a noticeable amount of weight over the holidays. And some of it…

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Should I Worry About Caffeine & My Morning Supplements?

Should I Worry About Caffeine & My Morning Supplements?

Is it true my morning caffeine is depleting my minerals and B vitamins? Should I wait to take my supplements until I have finished my coffee? The short answer, Yes! Calcium All the research I can find states that per 150 mg (about one cup) of caffeine, roughly 5 mg of calcium is lost. This…

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Salt Reduction May Help to Improve Sleep

Salt Reduction May Help to Improve Sleep

by Nicole Gregory Getting up during the night to use the bathroom becomes more common as people get older. But researchers in Japan have found a way to dry up the nightly urge to pee (and so deliver a better night’s sleep): Cut your salt intake. Research presented at the 32nd European Association of Urology in…

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3 Easy Steps for Staying Well During Cold and Flu Season

3 Easy Steps for Staying Well During Cold and Flu Season

So what can you do so that your time off can be used for a vacation, a retreat, or a business conference instead of at home feeling miserable? What can you do to avoid canceling your appointments or exposing your clients?  Rest is still the best medicine for sure if you do get it, but…

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Coconut Oil – Healthy or Hype?

Coconut Oil

By: Chef Tse Coconut oil has long been hailed by people in the culinary industry as a great alternative to traditional fats. Unlike most oils, coconut oil is solid at room temperature – think nature’s version of Crisco. I use it in anything from stir-fries to baked goods. But like all fats, I use it in…

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6 Benefits Of Bone Broth

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

If you’ve studied the Paleo diet before and have considered giving it a try, you’ve probably read about bone broth. Making bone broth is simple enough – all you have to do is simmer water with beef, chicken, or fish bones for several hours or more. You can add seasonings and aromatics to the pot,…

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Popcorn: Is It A Good Snack?


POPCORN HAS the crunchy, salty appeal of chips or pretzels, but you can have 3 cups of the air-popped snack for slightly fewer calories than you’ll find in one sourdough pretzel. Perhaps that explains the huge increase in demand for bagged pop­corn. According to market research firm Mintel, 54 percent of Americans surveyed in 2016…

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How to Be Happy and Healthy All Year Long

How long has it been since you took a long, hard look at your health and fitness goals? When is the last time you challenged yourself to take leaps and bounds in the direction of total wellness?  Your health cannot only determine the longevity of your life, but it impacts the quality of your life…

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Top 5 Vitamins & Supplements Questions Answered

How to Be Happy and Healthy All Year Long

Americans spend an astonishing $32 billion annually on 85,000 different vitamins, minerals, and other dietary supplements. But are all of these products effective, safe, and necessary? Research has confirmed that some of these supplements, such as folic acid and fish oil, can be beneficial. But many others aren’t backed by conclusive peer-reviewed research. Dietary supplements, also…

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Shed Winter Weight Gain Fast With These Helpful Tips

Winter Weight Gain

We aren’t mind readers, but odds are high that one of your New Year’s resolutions involves exercise or weight loss. There’s also an excellent chance that you abandoned – or will abandon – your resolution by the end of January. If you’re nodding your head in agreement, we’re here to help. Take advantage of your…

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