Diabetes and Obesity

diabetes and obesity

According to WHO global statistics, at least 2.8 million people die every year as a result of either being obese or overweight. Whereas this used to be a major problem in developed countries, now it is prevalent in middle- and low-income countries too. In 2008, over 40 million preschool children were found to be obese…

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Obesity and the Microbiome Influence


The gastrointestinal tract is an ecosystem that has a huge impact on human health. Research has shown the floral content of the intestine plays a role in obesity, allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, cancer, and even psychiatric disorders. A new animal study shows how fiber favorably affects the microbiome and influences metabolism. Researchers assigned four different diets to mice. The control group was…

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7 Secrets to Overcoming Obesity and Staying Healthy

7 Secrets to Overcoming Obesity and Staying Healthy

If you’re like most Americans, you may struggle to maintain a healthy weight. Fighting obesity is a big concern for most people, but staying in shape can be a challenge. Extreme diets and gimmicky exercise plans only make weight woes worse, so if you really want to wage a war against obesity, it’s best to…

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