The Food-Inflammation Connection

food-inflammation connection

A more plant-centered diet helps to boost immunity and control inflammatory responses that raise the risk of chronic disease.  By Teri Mosey, PhD Many of the foods we eat—especially vegetables—can help us deal with the double-edged sword of inflammation. Acute inflammation is the good edge of the blade. It’s painful but essential because, by telling the body…

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Why Plant-Based Foods Are the Hot New Dietary Trend

Why Plant-Based-Foods Are the Hot New Dietary Trend

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably noticed the plant-based food revolution at the grocery store. Plant-based food sales doubled in 2020, and it seems like the numbers will only go up in 2022. But what’s driving this new plant-based food boom? That’s what we’re here to look at. Here are 4 reasons behind the…

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