Short Stretches of Exercise May Have Anti-Inflammatory Effect

Short Stretches of Exercise May Have Anti-Inflammatory Effect

20 minutes on a treadmill linked to drop in immune cells tied to inflammation, study finds (HealthDay News) — Just 20 minutes of moderate exercise may dampen inflammation in the body, researchers say. The study findings suggest that “exercise doesn’t have to be tremendously hard for you to see health benefits from it,” said study…

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Do You Need a Rest Day?

Do You Need a Rest Day?

Written by Emily Schromm   Want to hit your goals? The key to results is proper recovery. When you’re motivated to hit a goal, it can be easy to go to extremes. Let’s be honest: you’re either all in, or all out. That’s how many of us operate, especially when we’re in the zone, on a…

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6 Exercises That Burn Calories In Overdrive (And Are Not Burpees)

6 Exercises That Burn Calories In Overdrive (And Are Not Burpees)

If your health, fitness, or body composition goals involve fat-burning or losing weight, after working on your nutrition, you will want to focus on fitness routines tailored to those goals. In most cases, this means regular workouts that involve exercises that burn calories and build muscle. Most people immediately associate cardio with calorie-burning, and they’re…

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You Asked: Should I Use a Foam Roller?

Foam Roller

Markham Heid After spending decades on the fitness fringes, foam rolling has arrived at center stage. Whole classes are now devoted to the practice of slowly rolling different parts of the body over a tube; it’s thought to improve athletic performance and flexibility, reduce workout-related soreness, slash recovery time, and knock out muscle pain. There’s…

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Which Fitness Tracker Is Best?

Fitness Trackers

Fitness trackers are increasingly popular and are even recommended by family physicians as a safe way to get healthy and increase physical activity. When it comes to buying a fitness tracker, however, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. And, while committing to a gym membership and/or hiring a personal trainer aren’t realistic options for many consumers,…

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7 Beginner Kettlebell Exercises To Work Your Entire Body

7 Beginner Kettlebell Exercises To Work Your Entire Body

Beginner kettlebell exercises are an excellent way to add variety to your workout routine, whether you’re new to strength training or you’re just faithful to your trusty 15-pound dumbbells. Using different equipment offers up new ways to work your muscles, which is key to seeing results, and there are endless ways to burn out your entire body…

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Upper-Body Foam Rolling

Upper-Body Foam Rolling

Foam rolling your upper body muscles can be tricky. These tips will help you make the right moves.  Most muscles in your upper body can benefit from foam rolling, but they’re harder to reach and a little trickier to release than the muscles in your lower back, glutes, and legs. Done right, though, you can safely…

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Why Sports Nutrition Needs to Look Beyond Proteins

Why Sports Nutrition Needs to Look Beyond Proteins

If you go to the gym a couple of times a week and eat healthy, you can’t help but hear the word ”protein” whenever someone talks about their diet. Of course, we all know that protein is required to build and repair muscle, but many have gone a bit overboard with the amount of protein…

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6 Ways Yoga Can Improve Your Life

6 Ways Yoga Can Improve Your Life

Yoga has been around for more than 5000 years. While its popularity in the West just increased within the past few decades, Yogis from India have already been practicing yoga in caves for a long time as a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline.  Considering the age of this practice, it’s natural to believe that it…

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Agility Drills

Agility Drills

Agility drills can generally be classified into two categories – open and closed.  Closed drills are preprogrammed drills, performed in a predictable and unchanging environment.  The focus should be primarily on proper movement mechanics, proper body position, and simple changes of direction.  The drills should be performed at a speed that allows proper execution of…

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