From One Chapter to Another: Securing the Right Doctor for the Next Stage

From One Chapter to Another-Securing the Right Doctor for the Next Stage

Image via Freepik Selecting a new primary care physician after retirement or if your doctor retires presents a unique set of challenges. The correct physician can significantly influence your health and quality of life, making this decision particularly important. This Destiny Management guide will help you identify a physician who aligns with your healthcare needs…

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Mindful Eating for Diabetes Management and Overall Well-being

Mindful Eating for Diabetes Management and Overall Well-being

Managing diabetes is a difficult and long-term journey that includes more than just checking blood sugar levels and taking medicine. One important part of managing diabetes well is being careful about what you eat. Mindful eating means paying close attention to what you eat and how it makes you feel. It’s about being aware of…

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Low-Fat Versus Low-Carb Diet? It’s a Draw

Low-Fat Versus Low-Carb Diet

For decades researchers have sought to find the best diet to help people achieve the elusive goal of permanent weight loss. In the context of a worsening obesity epidemic and massive efforts underway to attempt to curb it, health professionals and the public are hungry for an answer. What diet will best help us improve…

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Metabolic Health Versus Weight

Metabolic Health Versus Weight

by Natalie Digate Muth, MD, MPH, RDN, FAAP Despite more than a decade of intensive efforts to reverse the adult and childhood obesity crises, obesity remains widespread. Generally, the first treatment recommendation is to lose weight, but losing large amounts of weight and keeping it off is difficult, and possibly not even the best reflection…

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What Are Ketones And How Does Your Body Use Them?


People have been searching for the best way to get in shape, get healthy, and lose weight for decades. There have been hundreds, if not thousands of different types of diets and weight loss fads that have come and gone, but most people are still searching for something that works for them. Everyone wants a…

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Some Great Ways to Lose Weight, According to Science

weight loss

You have probably come across many weight loss fads and trends that come and go, that might work for your co-worker’s neighbor’s daughter. But the most reliable ways to lose weight have to be backed by science. And that’s what this article is about – here are some of the best ways to lose weight,…

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Holiday Weight Gain: Taking It Off Is Harder Than Putting It On

holiday weight gain

By: Providence Medical Group An international team of researchers has parsed the numbers and reached a conclusion that you already knew, way down deep inside. It turns out that most people in three developed countries – the United States, Germany, and Japan – gain a noticeable amount of weight over the holidays. And some of it…

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Popcorn: Is It A Good Snack?


POPCORN HAS the crunchy, salty appeal of chips or pretzels, but you can have 3 cups of the air-popped snack for slightly fewer calories than you’ll find in one sourdough pretzel. Perhaps that explains the huge increase in demand for bagged pop­corn. According to market research firm Mintel, 54 percent of Americans surveyed in 2016…

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Shed Winter Weight Gain Fast With These Helpful Tips

Winter Weight Gain

We aren’t mind readers, but odds are high that one of your New Year’s resolutions involves exercise or weight loss. There’s also an excellent chance that you abandoned – or will abandon – your resolution by the end of January. If you’re nodding your head in agreement, we’re here to help. Take advantage of your…

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