
Trulicity is a weekly injection taken at any time of the day (with or without food) by adult diabetes patients under the instruction of a medical practitioner. It helps manage type two diabetes by stimulating the body to naturally release its own insulin in response to blood sugar after you eat, inhibit the release of glucose from the liver, and slow down the digestion of food to curb hunger and prevent overeating.

Combined with a balanced diet and a proper exercise program, it helps in weight loss and blood sugar control thus normalizing your A1C over time. It also helps prevent chronic conditions such as kidney disease, cardiovascular problems, and eye problems that may result from diabetes.

Like any other drugs in the market, Trulicity has been approved as safe for adult use. But it does not come without side effects.


  • Facilitates weight loss.
  • Stimulates the body to release insulin naturally.
  • Inhibits the release of glucose into the blood.
  • Slows digestion so you are full for longer.
  • Helps in prevention of chronic conditions resulting from diabetes.
  • Only taken once a week at any time of the day regardless of whether you have eaten or not.
  • It works 24/7.
  • It is easy to use. Trulicity’s single dosage pen can easily be administered with a button press.


  • It may cause thyroid cancer and tumors. Watch for symptoms like a lump on your neck, hoarseness, and shortness of breath.
  • Other side effects are nausea, lack of appetite, indigestion, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. Check with your doctor on how to recognize serious side effects.

Many people have gotten good results after trying Trulicity with a few experiencing adverse side effects.

Before your doctor recommends the purchase and use of this drug, they may have you tested/screened to assess possible allergies and any other conditions you have that require you to use other medications. They may also ask questions like if a member of your family has had thyroid issues. This will guide them to give a proper prescription.

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