The IDC Mindset


Social conditioning has brought us to an age where everything must be instant. Whether it’s food, pain relief, text messaging, surfing the internet, or playing video games. Our world is ruled by quotes like “You only live once” and “Live every day as if it was your last.” While these quotes are very true, I would like to amend the latter to say, 

“Live every day as if it was your last, but with a vision of the future.”
In talking to younger generations, the most common theme is instant gratification. There is a lack of caring about future consequences in the hunt for “what makes me feel good right now.” That is why I have named this mindset, The IDC (I don’t care) Mindset. Children will spend countless hours sitting and playing video games while sacrificing education, exercise, and their spine. Adults put their health on the back burner in the strive for monetary gain. Albeit, money is very important, health is more important. You could save money, eat unhealthily, never exercise, and then have a heart attack and wind up bankrupt.

This disconnect is leading to more and more people being diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety, and countless other health issues. In turn, this is leading to people being bound to prescription bottles for “happiness and relief.” There’s rarely a true connection to other humans anymore. Bullying is becoming more prevalent and continuous with increases in technology. The advent of text messaging has also led to “cuelessness.” “Cuelessness” is communication that lacks all nonverbal cues such as facial expressions, hand gestures, appearance, tone of voice, and body language. Having empathy for others not only helps us care about them but also helps us to learn from others so we can grow emotionally and spiritually.

We are designed to care about our fellow (wo)man, our health, and the state of the world we live in. Physical health is another major concern in the IDC Mindset. People will opt for whatever is quickest, which tends to be fast food. The foods we eat are broken down into building blocks for our bodies to repair and grow. You can’t build a strong house with rotten wood. Whenever a health issue finally shows itself, they never worry because there’s a pill for that. The quick fix for pain relief has led to an Opioid epidemic which is robbing people of not only their lives but their families as well.

Being consciously proactive with health and avoiding these issues before they even begin is our greatest asset. Your body is designed to be self-healing and self-organizing, it just needs to be free from interference.

Learning to be grateful for what you have and having a vision of the future will bring about the largest shift in our society.
Chiropractic lifestyle care allows your body to truly optimize itself, you’re not just coasting through life, you’re thriving and expressing yourself to your greatest capability. Stand up and be the one who says, “I do care and I want the best life possible!!” Experience the true power your body is capable of when you put in the effort. Get outside and feel the dirt between your toes. Explore a new country. Explore your mind with meditation.

About Dr. Bradley Burgess
“I honor that every human body contains an intelligence that controls and coordinates all bodily functions. I utilize this intelligence to guide me through the body to unlock the nervous system like a combination lock. This allows me to directly target specific issues and the many layers involved with a secondary condition. I can directly target negative emotions and people, allowing you to stay connected and in alignment during a stressful situation. We can also focus on goals you have for your life and clear physical blockages in the energetic system to align our antenna, the spine, to receive and achieve these goals.”

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