How You Can Help in Cultivating a Health-Focused Culture at Work

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Usually, when it comes to work culture, it’s mostly up to the business owner and management; it’s up to them on how they want to set the pace, how they want to address workplace stress and toxicity, and, of course, collaboration. Usually, as an employee, you’re just expected to deal with it, and that’s that, right? Well, there is some truth to this. If you’re a business owner, you’re going to be the one to dictate how things are in your company; if you’re upper management, you have some power behind that, too, of course. 

But with that said, as an employee, there are some things you can still do, maybe not massive changes, but some. One of them can be getting health and wellness to be a bigger part of the workplace culture. Now, you already know how important it is for employees to be healthy, not just for being productive but for day-to-day life, too. So, with that said, how can you incorporate this? What can you do? Well, here’s what you need to know!

Try and Communicate About It Openly

There are so many benefits to this—more wins than anything else—that there’s no good reason for a company to outright reject the idea of this. It can come in various forms too, for example, talking to your boss about getting a BLS license in case a medical emergency happens at the workplace, having people get first aid training in case accidents arise, or just a few more breaks in a day. But in general, there’s nothing to lose; there’s no real reason for a business to say no. But of course, it all starts with communication, so openly communicate about it to your boss, the owner, or just upper management and see if changes will happen. 

Lead By Example

It’s incredible how contagious healthy habits can be when they’re modeled from the top. If you’re in a position of influence, use it to promote wellness! You could just show your commitment by integrating healthy practices into your daily routine. Maybe it’s bringing a nutritious lunch to work, stepping out for midday walks, or openly discussing how you manage work-life balance. 

When team members see you prioritizing your health, they might feel inspired to follow suit. Don’t brag about it; be more subtle; even this will inspire them. 

Be a Wellness Champion

Every office needs a cheerleader for health. Why not volunteer to be the one who drives wellness initiatives? You could organize weekly health challenges, set up a company sports team, or arrange for healthy snacks in the break room. It doesn’t have to be anything grandiose—small, consistent efforts can gradually transform the office vibe. 

Is this always easy? Well, not always, because it depends on your position, where you’re at, how big your company or department is, and the list can go on and on. But it doesn’t hurt to at least try it and talk to your boss or supervisor about it; there’s always a chance.

Create an Inclusive Wellness Program 

So, you have to keep in mind that wellness isn’t one-size-fits-all, so consider initiatives that can engage different people. Again, this completely depends on your position and what you can and cannot do. But, if you can, try to see if coworkers want to get together and get active or if everyone joins in on a wellness program together. The goal is to cater to various interests and fitness levels to ensure everyone can take part.

Encourage Mental Breaks

So, just about every country has laws requiring workers to take breaks. In the US, it’s usually a 15-minute break every five hours. But is this enough? Better yet, is it an actual break during these breaks, lunch breaks included? For example, you have a mandatory lunch break, but you don’t really get to have that lunch break, or you’re still expected to sit there and work while you eat. They’re inefficient, right? These aren’t even real breaks. 

Again, the point of a break is to physically and mentally decompress. So, if you can, try to advocate for mental health days and encourage your team to use them without stigma, normalize taking short breaks throughout the day for mental refreshment—perhaps a quiet corner or a dedicated relaxation space where people can unwind for a few minutes away from their desks. A break literally has to be a break, not a label, for a small period of time while still working. Do what you can to not let this happen (if you’re in the position to do so and you’re not risking your job, of course). 

Be Transparent

Open communication about health and wellness can really set the tone. So, it’s going to be a good idea if you can regularly include wellness topics in team meetings or company newsletters. If you’re in the position for it, why not try to invite speakers to talk about health and share resources on mental health, exercise, and balanced diets? Just try to be transparent about it if your employer gives you the voice for it. It’s important to create this inclusive atmosphere, and you just might be able to. 

Celebrate Milestones

It can be an incredible feeling to have an impact on the company culture, even if you’re not in such a high role, right? So, with that all said, you must keep in mind that recognition plays a crucial role in reinforcing a health-focused culture. 

This is exactly why you need to celebrate the milestones and achievements related to wellness. It doesn’t really matter what this is as long as it’s a milestone. But you deserve to celebrate it with your team!

Try and Get Support from the Top

Finally, ongoing support from company leaders is vital. So, if you’re an employee and not in a leadership role, try to get some leaders behind you on this. If you are a leader, then you have the space and voice to push this! Leadership should continuously endorse and participate in wellness activities, showing the company’s commitment to health and well-being. This top-down endorsement not only reinforces the legitimacy of the initiatives but also demonstrates to all employees that their health is a priority at every level of the organization.                                                                  Image credit

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