Conquer Diabetes

CONQUER DIABETES – Manage your blood sugar through fitness & nutrition & conquer diabetes with our proven 7-Step system.

Helping You Conquer Diabetes

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Manage your blood sugar through fitness and nutrition and learn key principles to help you Conquer Diabetes with our proven 7-Step system.

This is a 12-week program designed to educate you on the key principles of fitness and nutrition and how these factors help control blood sugar. We do this via webinars, weekly meetings, Facebook groups, and educational handouts. We test the knowledge you’ve learned with periodic quizzes.

In addition, we customize a fitness and nutrition program for your goals and lifestyle. Through our app, you get video demonstrations of each exercise and customized menu plans.  The plan includes 12 individual, weekly sessions with our Registered Dietitian.

Also, included are 3-months of supplements (Thorne) that help control blood sugar and fitness tools such as a yoga mat, foam roller, Fitness tracker, Glucose monitor, and more.

We work with a variety of healthcare professionals such as nutritionists, chiropractors, doctors, massage therapists, naturopaths, life coaches, etc. to be able to cover all aspects of health and nutrition.

Manage your blood sugar through fitness and nutrition and learn key principles to help you conquer diabetes with our proven 7-step system:

D – Determine
It is important to determine your baseline fitness level to be able to design a correct exercise program for your system and abilities.

E – Educate
We help educate you to make a nutrition and fitness program easily fit into your lifestyle.

S – Strategy
With the information we get from your baseline fitness tests, and your feedback, we tailor a program specifically to your goals, time frame, and lifestyle.

T – Training
We coach and provide you with guidance and motivation for your fitness and nutrition program through our training app, which you can download for free.

I – Individualize
We help you learn what your body is telling you as you progress towards your goals, so you know what is needed for your body and make adjustments as needed based on this feedback to ensure success.

N – New Beginning
We periodically retest your body composition and fitness levels to gauge how you’ve progressed, re-evaluate your goals, and set new ones.

Y – Y Why do this?
For you and your family. For more energy and quicker recovery. For a higher quality of life.  For your education – You will better understand all the key fitness and nutrition principles necessary to maintain your progress for the rest of your life.

Schedule a no-obligation, Discovery Consultation with us today!​ Discovery Consultation
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Our approved American Diabetes Association DSMES (Diabetes Self-Management Education & Support) course options.


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Download and access our fitness app to receive your fitness and nutrition programs.


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Set up your free account to track and analyze your current nutrition habits to determine your total calories, ratios of protein, carbohydrate, and fat, and get key information on specific nutrients.



SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT WITH A DIETICIAN.  Professional nutrition services to guide you toward a sustainable state of balance.

“I’ve been using Terry’s Linde’s Conquer Diabetes Program for over a year now. It’s helped me lose weight, have more energy, and have more confidence. Also, as a Type 1 Diabetic, my blood sugar is under much better control and as a result, I’ve been able to reduce the amount of insulin I take. I’d recommend it to anyone who wants to get control of their Diabetes.”
Zac Fleischmann

“I’ve known Terry for over 30 years. When I started, I was 38% body fat and could only do 17 crunches. After a couple of years, I achieved 18% body fat and could do 4 sets of 100 crunches. More important than the results, was the knowledge I gained about how to listen to my body. When I became pregnant, I developed gestational diabetes. I was told it would go away, but it never did. This can put most people in a stigma that there is something wrong with me. From working with you I believe that dealing with the years of physical issues was much easier. Throughout the years the knowledge I gained about why my body responds in certain ways makes dealing with Diabetes much more manageable.”

“With Diabetes comes a certain sense of feeling like you’ve been sentenced to a certain way of life. It doesn’t have to be like that. Diabetes doesn’t define who you are, it is simply a condition you have. Through learning how my body responds to fitness and nutrition, I have been able to take control of my life and have the aptitude, capability, and knowledge necessary to make the correct choices for my body and the freedom to live like everybody else without stress and fear. With this comes a sense of freedom and not letting Diabetes define who you are. You have the choice and can do something about it.”

Esther Cook

Thank you for Coach Terry Linde inviting me to join the Diabetes program. I am prediabetic and I  have read all the classes and followed the exercise. This is a very good program, and everyone needs it. It helps me understand the diet balance and I have learned nutrition, have workable meal plans, learned how supplements fit in, what the Glycemic Index is, and the importance of it in managing blood sugar.
Ashley’s expertise in fitness and exercise has helped me find a program that is perfect for me. Now I know better about movements and how to perform them safely. I love it.

Thank you very much I  recommend your program to everyone. Thanks to everyone for letting me share this.
Marlinda  Woo

“My son was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in 2019. It’s been 3 years since then. At first, we didn’t know where to start, even though we sought some advice and help. Since we met Terry Linde, and his team at Destiny Management, and began working with him our son has been able to manage his Diabetes and live as if he does not have it. The most important part is that we haven’t had to give up the foods we like. Maintaining consistent exercise and nutrition is the cornerstone of our success and working with Destiny Management has helped us Conquer Diabetes.”
Ken Sequerra

“We want to thank you for your clarification about our need to be careful not only about not consuming too many carbs but ALSO, about getting enough carbs.  That insight has been a decisive paradigm change for us concerning our being able to manage Victoria’s glucose levels.   Before your advice and insight, when we were obsessive about minimizing our consumption of carbs, we were rarely able to keep Victoria’s glucose levels below 200.   Now that we recognize the importance of incorporating a reasonable amount of carbs in each meal, balanced off with some protein and fat, Victoria’s glucose levels have consistently been below 200,  with her average daily glucose levels ranging from 180 to 170, with the daily average continuing to significantly trend downward.   We also have been much more watchful about the glycemic values of consumed items, eating lower on the glycemic index.   Thanks again so much for your invaluable insight and advice.”
Paul & Victoria Leland

American Diabetes Association
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