Vitamin D

A Sunny Workout Is Best for Your Heart

By Terry Linde | September 9, 2020

Want to get fit? Check your vitamin D levels. Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) may well be linked to serum vitamin D levels. A study, published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (October 30, 2018), looked at data from nearly 2,000 participants in the National Health and Nutrition Survey. Subjects were between the ages of 20 and…

Mediterranean Diet

Mediterranean Diet Can Prevent Blindness

By Terry Linde | September 2, 2020

Evidence is mounting that a poor diet plays an important role in the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of blindness in the United States. A large collaboration of researchers from the European Union investigated the connection between genes and lifestyle on the development of AMD. They found that people who adhered to a…

Can Chocolate Help with Oxidative Stress?

Can Chocolate Help with Oxidative Stress?

By Terry Linde | August 26, 2020

Can eating chocolate or drinking wine, coffee or tea play a role in keeping us young? According to a team of researchers led by Prof. Dr. Ivana Ivanovi-Burmazovi from the Chair of Bioinorganic Chemistry at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), together with researchers from the USA, compounds within these foodstuffs can activate with zinc to protect against oxidative stress.…

Stretching with a Strap

Stretching with a Strap

By Terry Linde | August 19, 2020

While some participants don’t stick around for the cool-down, those who do are rewarded with the many benefits that stretching offers. Help students go a little deeper with a very simple yet versatile tool: a stretching strap. Straps are great to have in your fitness toolbox (and relatively inexpensive for the program manager’s budget). They not…

Asthma and Allergies

Taking Antibiotics Linked to Asthma and Allergies

By Terry Linde | August 12, 2020

A study conducted at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan shows that children given antibiotics in their first six months of life have an increased risk of allergies to ragweed, pets, grass, and dust mites. They also have an increased risk of asthma. Christine Cole Johnson, Ph.D., is the study’s lead author and senior research…

exercise and disease prevention

Exercise and Disease Prevention

By Terry Linde | August 12, 2020

If you are a regular exerciser, you know that working out helps your body feel better in many ways. It also has powerful health benefits. In a review of the latest science, Booth, Roberts & Laye (2012) point to 35 chronic diseases and health challenges that regular exercise and physical activity can do much to prevent.…

5 Tips For Healthy, Radiant Skin

Top 5 Natural Skincare Ingredients for Oily Skin

By Terry Linde | July 29, 2020

Republished with permission of AEDIT Everyone has oil in their skin. Under each pore is a sebaceous gland that produces natural oils called sebum, which helps keep your skin hydrated and healthy. In some people, though, the sebaceous glands produce too much oil. You know you have oily skin if your skin constantly looks shiny, or your…

Bone Health

Mineral-Rich Diet Beats Exercise for Bone Health

By Terry Linde | July 22, 2020

Exercise has always been highly recommended for maintaining bone mass and strength as we age, but there could be more to this story. A recent mouse study at the University of Michigan has demonstrated that a mineral-supplemented diet (high in calcium and phosphorous) had an even more significant impact on bone density than exercise. The groups…


Proven Benefits of Pilates

By Terry Linde | July 1, 2020

Did you know that Pilates continues to grow in popularity, and its practice is now familiar to people around the world? Maybe you’ve already experienced the effectiveness of Pilates or are thinking about taking lessons. Good news! Researchers have proven certain benefits of this form of exercise. Shirley Archer, JD, MA, 2008 IDEA Fitness Instructor…

How Is CBD Proved To Be A Well Source Of Mind Relaxation

What to Look for in Your CBD Products!

By Terry Linde | June 10, 2020

Your clients are asking more and more about CBD and if it is safe or even legal. The stigma regarding cannabis is going away, if not already with most people. Studies and research over the years have shown that cannabinoid (CBD) is not only safe, but very effective in a number of conditions, such as…