health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

Starting a Fitness Program

By Terry Linde | February 26, 2021

So you are thinking about starting a fitness program huh? This could well be something that you have thought over time and time again with nothing to show for your thoughts. If this is so,  you are certainly not alone, as tens and hundreds of thousands of people seem to have these re-occurring thoughts of…


A Natural Remedy for Mild Anxiety

By Terry Linde | February 26, 2021

Background  Mild or occasional anxiety is a common complaint. Herbal preparations have long been a  mainstay for maintaining a healthy, adaptive response to everyday stress and promoting  restful sleep. Lavandula angustifolia is the most common species of lavender utilized for  health purposes. Lavender is native to the Mediterranean, the Arabian Peninsula, Russia  and Africa. Throughout…

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

A Great Breakfast Alternative

By Terry Linde | February 26, 2021

Ingredients:  1 cup raw almonds  1 cup raw sunflower seeds   1 cup raw pumpkin seeds   1 cup steel cut oats  Place ingredients in a bowl and fill with water 1 inch above seeds and grains, stir and rinse well in a  colander. Return to the bowl and add water to within 1 inch above seeds…

Saccharomyces boulardii

A Good Yeast: Saccharomyces boulardii

By Terry Linde | February 26, 2021

There is no doubt that not all yeasts are your friends, but this one is! Saccharomyces boulardii is a true “biotic” which has been shown to have beneficial effects by improving intestinal microbalance.   Specifically, S. boulardii functions in the modulation of both innate immunity by activating the complement system, and adaptive immunity by boosting the…

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

A Golden Gem For Brain Health

By Terry Linde | February 26, 2021

We are constantly stressed with deadlines and pressured to produce tasks faster and with more  efficiency. In today’s workforce, our mental clarity plays a major role in delivering quality  work. Practices to help think more clearly may include better sleep, controlled anxiety, and brain  supplements. One such “brain supplement” with research bragging rights is curcumin,…

Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Prediabetic & Healthy Adults

A Day in the Life of a Diabetic

By Terry Linde | February 26, 2021

Bob wakes up every morning with anticipation of getting a good breakfast and making the most  of his day. But before he can start preparing his meal, he sits down at the breakfast table, and  punches a hole in his finger to draw blood, so he can test his blood glucose (bg). Once he gets …


A change of Pace for Runners

By Terry Linde | February 26, 2021

Whether you are training for a 5k or are a beginner, running is a great form of exercise to gain or regain cardiovascular health and overall strength. Once you have become consistent at jogging, you can try and change your regular pattern of straight-ahead running, whether on a running track or the road, for more…

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

15 Healthy Habits You May Want To Establish

By Terry Linde | February 25, 2021

1. BE SELFISH ABOUT YOUR HEALTH We all need some “me time” in order to stay healthy. Make your health a priority. Hire a  personal trainer, find an activity you love or find some downtime at The Spa. When you’re happier and more balanced, everything magically falls into place.  2. MAKE EXERCISE A PRIORITY Hands…

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

14 Recipes to Try

By Terry Linde | February 25, 2021

Here are some recipes to try thanks to that offer new flavor combinations and  healthy recipe ideas. Follow the links to get the actual recipes.  Huevos Rancheros | CookingLight: Spiced up with a little bit of salsa, these eggs make a tasty, protein-packed breakfast that will keep you fueled all morning long. Nutrition Facts…

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

The Top 14 Nutrition Trends

By Terry Linde | February 25, 2021

A recent poll of 500 Registered Dietitians, conducted by Today’s Dietitian and Pollock  Communications, unveiled a forecast for the top food and nutrition trends. Here’s a recap of  what’s to come:  Ancient grains are “in” again. They’re back and nutritionally superior to many modern-day, refined grains. Some to check out this year include quinoa, wheat…