Diabetes and Pregnancy

By Terry Linde | December 16, 2020

Is diabetes pregnancy high risk? Women with diabetes have an exceptional concern about their health. Pregnancy comes with new demands for the body such as food cravings, tiredness, and other hormonal changes. Such demands tend to affect diabetes medication and blood sugar levels. During early pregnancy, before thirteen weeks, heightened blood sugar levels increase the risk of…

The Top 5 Exercises Every Person with Diabetes Should Try

The Top 5 Exercises Every Person with Diabetes Should Try

By Terry Linde | December 9, 2020

People living with diabetes should lead a healthy lifestyle in order to manage their weight and blood sugar levels. Exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet can assist in reducing health risks such as stroke, cardiovascular problems, and heart attack. Hence, your overall body health will be  greatly improved. Some of the easiest exercises to…

Is Type 2 Diabetes Genetic

Can Type 2 Diabetes be Reversed?

By Terry Linde | December 2, 2020

Diabetes has no cure. However, research has proven that it’s likely for some individuals to reverse it. If one works on their diet and towards losing excess body weight, then they may be able to arrive at, and be able to stay within, a normal range of blood sugar even without using any medications. Having…

Intermittent Fasting and Type 2 Diabetes Management

Intermittent Fasting and Type 2 Diabetes Management

By Terry Linde | November 25, 2020

“Nobody should die of a lifestyle disease, fast it out!” I read this comment in a popular Facebook group for Intermittent fasting, and I must say that I was super intrigued. This woman had successfully controlled her blood sugar level. In fact, her doctor declared her diabetes-free after undergoing several assessments. Like any other person,…

Immune System

Study Reveals the Mapping of the Human Immune System

By Terry Linde | November 18, 2020

In a recent 2020 paper published in Science, researchers from the Wellcome Sanger Institute, Newcastle University, and Ghent University, Belgium, mapped thymus tissue throughout the human lifespan. They were looking to better understand how T cells, which are human immune cells, are produced by the thymus gland. T cells are released from the thymus gland and enter the…

Yoga Mat

Finding the Yoga Mat That’s Right for You

By Terry Linde | November 12, 2020

Whether you’ve been practicing for a long time, are new to yoga, or are just looking for an exercise mat, the amount choices can be vast and overwhelming. There are many options from mat thickness to materials used that you could choose from that allow you to fully customize your yoga mat needs. First off,…

Can Diet Soda Make You Fat?

Can Diet Soda Make You Fat?

By Terry Linde | November 4, 2020

Dieters, in their quest to consume fewer calories, often opt to drink diet soda instead of sodas with sugar in them. It turns out that drinking diet soda may not be a very good strategy for losing weight. Research that was performed at the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio (and presented at…

Diets Make You Fat

Diets Make You Fat

By Terry Linde | October 28, 2020

In 1919, Dr. Lulu Hunt Peters wrote the book Diet and Health. In it she presented the concept of counting calories. A calorie is a measurement of energy (much like the BTU used to rate furnaces).  In nutrition, it is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one liter of water one…

What Carbs Are Best for Breakfast When You Have Diabetes?

What Carbs Are Best for Breakfast When You Have Diabetes?

By Terry Linde | October 14, 2020

For most people, breakfast is not the most planned meal of the day, sometimes it is even skipped until brunch or lunch, and depending on our habits, most people are not hungry in the morning. But if you have type 2 diabetes, then this is an essential part of your day, and a must if…

Veggies Boost Brain Power

Veggies Boost Brain Power

By Terry Linde | October 7, 2020

A new Harvard study highlights another reason why a mother’s advice to “eat your veggies” is spot on for long-term health and, in particular, cognitive health. The study started in 1986 and followed 27,842 men for 26 years and was designed to highlight the impact of fruits and vegetables on subjective cognitive function (SCF). The subjects…