7 Secrets to Overcoming Obesity and Staying Healthy

7 Secrets to Overcoming Obesity and Staying Healthy

By Terry Linde | December 17, 2018

If you’re like most Americans, you may struggle to maintain a healthy weight. Fighting obesity is a big concern for most people, but staying in shape can be a challenge. Extreme diets and gimmicky exercise plans only make weight woes worse, so if you really want to wage a war against obesity, it’s best to…

You Can Change!

You Can Change!

By Terry Linde | December 5, 2018

Are you trying to lose weight, eat more healthfully, or stop smoking? Have you tried to change but not been able to do so? Do you chalk it up to lack of willpower?  When we try to change behavior, most of us get caught in “the willpower trap”—the fundamental belief that personal motivation is everything.…

Abdominal Myths

Abdominal Myths

By Terry Linde | November 30, 2018

MYTH #1: Training the abs will give you a flat stomach. You simply can’t spot reduce fat. When you exercise, fat is removed from all areas of the body. The calories expended during ab exercises are very low. If you are looking for a high-calorie burner, there are better exercises. Working the abs will develop…

sugar cravings

Sugar Cravings – Why We Crave Sweets and How to Stop It

By Terry Linde | November 27, 2018

This article first appeared on Sweetdefeat. The human body emits a lot of signals, and sometimes we can pick up on these signals to improve our health. However, sometimes the body gives off subtle, yet challenging signals that we tend to ignore or push aside. In world of health and wellness, sugar cravings are one…

Busy People

Tips to Stay Healthy When You’re Crazy Busy

By Terry Linde | November 27, 2018

Sometimes, the beauty of living in the 21st century pales in comparison to all the rush and chaos that make you miss out on the perks altogether. We often live by busy schedules, too often letting this hectic tempo get the better of us. Whether we get sick too often or we suddenly find ourselves…

mental health

Self-Care and Its Undeniable Importance for Mental Health

By Terry Linde | November 20, 2018

Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash Most people are pretty proactive when it comes to their physical health. They get their flu shots, see a doctor when they’re sick, and take certain precautions to prevent bodily injury. However, when it comes to mental health, many people can be downright neglectful. But the truth is, caring…

Healthy Habits, Productive Employees: The Impact of Nutrition on Workplace Performance

How Holistic Treatment Helped Me Discover Healthy Habits in Recovery

By Terry Linde | November 13, 2018

I struggled with drug addiction for many years which caused significant damage to my mind and body. I didn’t have any healthy habits. I deprived my body of nutrients because I got high instead of eating. I didn’t exercise because I had no desire to take care of myself. I didn’t meditate because I felt…

Holistic health for busy people

Holistic Health: Self-Care Tips for Busy People

By Terry Linde | November 7, 2018

You can establish a great workout routine that keeps you trim and muscular, but if your mental and emotional states are suffering, then you aren’t truly in good health. After all, when it comes to your overall health and well-being, mind and body go together like a hand in a glove. What’s needed is a…

Bubbly Beverages

Is It Okay To Drink Bubbly Beverages Every Day?

By Terry Linde | October 30, 2018

Have you ever had a day where you’ve worked out really hard and you didn’t drink enough water? You know how badly you feel. You might get a headache. You might have a funny taste in your mouth, or feel a distinct lack of energy. That’s because your body needs water, and when you stress…

What is GERD?

What is GERD?

By Terry Linde | October 17, 2018

Alan Gaby, MD had a great saying that describes the progression of poor health in America. He said it was a sequence, “Big Mac, Zantac, Prozac”. In other words, you eat junk, you develop digestive problems (reflux) and eventually, through the lack of necessary cofactors and nutrients,  the nervous system is affected, creating depression. GERD…