Things To Consider In Selecting A Health Club

Things To Consider In Selecting A Health Club

By Terry Linde | June 26, 2019

Before you can get started with a physical fitness program, de­cide what type of equipment you want to use (free weights, machines, Nautilus, Cybex, etc.) and where you want to train (home, health club, hard-core gym, office, etc.).  The best choice for you is the facility and equipment that fits you and your lifestyle best and…

Diabetes in the Gut

Diabetes in the Gut

By Terry Linde | June 19, 2019

When thinking about diabetes and dysmetabolism, we look at a number of tissues such as adipose, liver, muscle and pancreas, but are we considering enough the role of the gut? Metabolic syndrome is defined as a cluster of physiological abnormalities that increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Risk factors include a…

How Blue Light Affects Your Children’s Sleep

How Blue Light Affects Your Children’s Sleep

By Terry Linde | June 13, 2019

By: Providence Health Team As hard as it may be to get kids to stop watching TV or turn off their electronic devices before bed, there are more reasons than ever to do so, according to science. Not only does staying up late make children groggy during the day, but a study conducted at King’s College in the…

The Power of Lifestyle Changes in the Treatment of Chronic Pain

The Impact of Chronic Pain

By Terry Linde | June 5, 2019

Did you know that more than 45% of Americans experience pain on a regular basis? Are you one of them? Unfortunately, people tend to fall into bad habits as the body adapts to, and becomes familiar with, persistent pain (Duhigg 2012). Learn what you can do mentally to better handle chronic pain. Justin Price, MA,…

Warm Weather Injuries

Take a Few Precautions to Avoid Common Warm Weather Injuries

By Terry Linde | May 30, 2019

Too much of a good thing—in this case, hot weather—can lead to dehydration and heat stroke.  When it heats up outside, follow these guidelines: Drink plenty of water, using your thirst as a guide.  If you have children, offer water frequently. They may not ask, even when they’re thirsty. If you’re being active, drink some…

Walk for Heart Health

Walk for Heart Health

By Terry Linde | May 22, 2019

Walking for at least 40 minutes several times per week at an average to fast pace is associated with a near 25% drop in the risk of heart failure among postmenopausal women, according to new research presented at the American College of Cardiology’s 67th Annual Scientific Session in March. The benefit appears to be consistent regardless…

Keeping Your Brain Fit

Keeping Your Brain Fit: A Practical Guide

By Terry Linde | May 15, 2019

Study after study shows that physical activity, diet, and other lifestyle factors keep the brain healthy as we age—contrary to the popular notion that cognitive function inevitably declines in the later years of life. Admittedly, Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias pose serious health risks. Alzheimer’s is the fifth leading cause of death for Americans over 65, and the…

Financial Planning for Senior Assisted Living

Financial Planning for Senior Assisted Living

By Terry Linde | May 8, 2019

Medicare is invaluable for many seniors; however, it provides little coverage when it comes to assisted living or nursing home care. While Medicare covers acute care costs for seniors, financial support for long-term facilities is rare. Because long-term care costs might not be covered by Medicare (or by Medicaid), it is important to start planning…

Gum Tissue: A Look Into Overall Health

Gum Tissue: A Look Into Overall Health

By Terry Linde | May 1, 2019

We all need to practice some sort of oral hygiene routine daily. Gum tissue is often overlooked as an important part of overall health. There is a lot to be learned from observing gum tissue. Here is a quick overview of gum tissue, disorders that can be associated with gum dis-ease, and supplemental support. Gum…

Energy Drinks

Energy Drinks

By Terry Linde | April 25, 2019

As energy drinks become more and more popular, questions about their safety and efficacy are growing. Safety concerns associated with energy drink consumption include adverse effects on the cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, renal, and endocrine systems, as well as psychiatric symptoms. For example, cardiovascular complications associated with consumption include elevated blood pressure and heart rate, arrhythmias,…