Busyness May Protect Cognitive Function
By: Providence Medical Group Want to maintain a sharp mind as you age? Get busy. New research shows that adults who are 50-plus years old and have a busy lifestyle tend to do better on cognitive function tests than those who don’t fill their time with activities. The research is part of the Dallas Lifespan Brain Study at the…
What Are Adaptogenic Herbs?
Adaptogenic herbs also referred to as “adaptogens,” are defined as agents that support the body’s ability to accommodate varying physical and emotional stresses. How many times can you think of a point in your life where you could use that? (for example, stress at work, family stress, and physical stress on your body.) Is this…
Health Organization Resources
Nursing.org’s goal is to develop the best resources available for students in nursing across the nation, in keeping with their commitment they’ve curated on-campus and online degree guides for psychiatric nurse practitioners. These guides contain information on critical topics such as admissions requirements, course options, and job outlook that students need to know to achieve…
6 Ways Yoga Can Improve Your Life
Yoga has been around for more than 5000 years. While its popularity in the West just increased within the past few decades, Yogis from India have already been practicing yoga in caves for a long time as a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline. Considering the age of this practice, it’s natural to believe that it…
Exercise May Cut the Risk of 13 Cancers
Running, walking, swimming, playing tennis and other activities may be even better for you than you know. A new study that examined data from 1.44 million people ages 19 to 98 has found that leisure-time physical activity is associated with a lower risk of 13 types of cancer, from breast cancer to myeloid leukemia. Another…
The Effects of Exercise On Appetite
The effects of exercise on appetite have been a topic of intense debate for many decades. Interest in this area has increased since the turn of the century, with the discovery in 1999 of the appetite-stimulating (“hunger hormone”) ghrelin. This area has obvious implications for the role of exercise in maintaining a healthy weight and…
5 Tips For Hay Fever
As longer days, lighter evenings and the warmth of spring and summer sunshine begin, this can also mean the onset of the dreaded hay fever season. How does the Immune System react to Hay Fever? In hay fever sufferers the immune system is over-stimulated, perceiving pollen as a foreign invader, causing an inflammatory response and…
7 Superfoods to Eat to Prevent Sunburn
Real sun protection doesn’t come from slathering on sunscreen. It comes from the inside out, from avoiding inflammatory foods and getting plenty of good protective fats, which help the body anti-inflame and heal. The biggest thing you can do to prevent sunburn is to eat an anti-inflammatory diet. Avoid all grains, legumes, soy, dairy that isn’t…
Dieting vs. Exercise for Weight Loss
Two groundbreaking new studies address the irksome question of why so many of us who work out remain so heavy, a concern that carries special resonance at the moment, as lean Olympians slip through the air and water, inspiring countless viewers to want to become similarly sleek. And in a just world, frequent physical activity…
Avoiding Lower Back Pain
Statistically, 80% of people experience back pain on a moderate to severe pain level throughout a lifetime. There are two critical times that you are at a higher risk for injury. One is upon waking in the morning. Your back is swollen at this time, as your discs have extra fluid in them from not…