How Long Does It Take to Lose Weight?

Weight loss is probably one of the most popular concerns of most people across the world. Be it for a special occasion or to achieve your fitness goals, weight loss is common. Now, before one starts on the weight loss journey, the first question that pops into one’s mind is: How long will it take to lose weight?

Well, it depends on a number of factors.

Weight loss happens when you consume fewer calories than you burn each day, while weight gain happens when you consume more calories than you burn every day. If your calorie intake and calorie expenditure (how many calories you burn) are equal, you maintain your body weight.

Now, let’s read about the factors that have an impact on your weight loss journey.

Factors That Affect Your Weight Loss Journey

How fast or slow you will lose weight will depend on the following factors:

  • Age: An individual’s age can have a significant impact on their weight loss. Along with the many bodily changes that occur with aging, one is the natural alterations in the body’s composition, i.e., fat mass increases and muscle mass decreases. Therefore, as you age, losing weight can become quite difficult.
  • Gender: An individual’s fat-to-muscle ratio affects their ability to lose weight. Women have a higher fat-to-muscle ratio than men, which is why they burn 5-10% fewer calories than men. This indicates that men lose weight faster than women.
  • Calorie deficit: Maintaining a calorie deficit is an important part of weight loss. To lose weight faster, you must burn more calories than you consume in a day. People who live a sedentary lifestyle should engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity or high-intensity exercise to burn more calories and eat 500-1000 fewer calories than their body needs per day.
  • Sleep schedule: Most people tend to overlook the sleep factor, but it’s a crucial step in your weight loss journey. Chronic sleep deprivation can hinder your weight loss speed. Hence, make sure you sleep for at least 8-9 hours a day.

Diet Tips for Weight Loss

Considering the multiple weight loss diets available- all effective and promising quick results – it can be tricky to choose a diet that works best for your body. If we were to go by the experts-recommended suggestions, low-carb diets might help you lose weight quickly.

You can also munch on snacks and take smaller meals (which include fiber) that make you feel fuller. For instance, you can have apple cider vinegar gummies, fruits & veggies, dark chocolates, etc. as good sources of snacks. Make sure you completely cut down the intake of highly processed foods and incorporate whole foods, including healthy fats, proteins, fruits, and vegetables.

Final Thoughts

Truth be told, there’s no shortcut to fast weight loss. You will have to go through the process slowly and steadily to get your dream physique. And most importantly, your mindset plays a very important role here. With a positive mindset, you can see the results in a short span of time.

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