Walk for Heart Health

Walk for Heart Health

Walking for at least 40 minutes several times per week at an average to fast pace is associated with a near 25% drop in the risk of heart failure among postmenopausal women, according to new research presented at the American College of Cardiology’s 67th Annual Scientific Session in March. The benefit appears to be consistent regardless…

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Keeping Your Brain Fit: A Practical Guide

Keeping Your Brain Fit

Study after study shows that physical activity, diet, and other lifestyle factors keep the brain healthy as we age—contrary to the popular notion that cognitive function inevitably declines in the later years of life. Admittedly, Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias pose serious health risks. Alzheimer’s is the fifth leading cause of death for Americans over 65, and the…

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Financial Planning for Senior Assisted Living

Financial Planning for Senior Assisted Living

Medicare is invaluable for many seniors; however, it provides little coverage when it comes to assisted living or nursing home care. While Medicare covers acute care costs for seniors, financial support for long-term facilities is rare. Because long-term care costs might not be covered by Medicare (or by Medicaid), it is important to start planning…

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Gum Tissue: A Look Into Overall Health

Gum Tissue: A Look Into Overall Health

We all need to practice some sort of oral hygiene routine daily. Gum tissue is often overlooked as an important part of overall health. There is a lot to be learned from observing gum tissue. Here is a quick overview of gum tissue, disorders that can be associated with gum dis-ease, and supplemental support. Gum…

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Energy Drinks

Energy Drinks

As energy drinks become more and more popular, questions about their safety and efficacy are growing. Safety concerns associated with energy drink consumption include adverse effects on the cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, renal, and endocrine systems, as well as psychiatric symptoms. For example, cardiovascular complications associated with consumption include elevated blood pressure and heart rate, arrhythmias,…

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Cardio–Strength Combo: Maximizing the Benefits

Cardio-Strength Combo

With today’s fast paced lifestyle and time being a prized commodity, when it comes to fitness, people want it all—cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training—in just 50 minutes. It’s easy to design individual or small-group programs that combine several exercise modes so that you can meet multiple goals in a single session. But there is one challenge to…

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Can Tea Be Good for Your Kidneys?

Can Tea Be Good for Your Kidneys?

There’s a lot of conflicting information about tea out there. First, it’s good for your health. But then it may not be good for your bladder. Which version should you believe? Well, the confusing thing is that they’re both correct to different degrees. So, if you want to know the facts behind tea, keep reading.…

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3 Creative Ways Families Can Get Active

3 Creative Ways Families Can Get Active

If your family is spending too much time loafing on the couch, watching television, playing video games, or checking social media, you are not alone. Families often allow their electronics to take over their free time, even when the weather turns nice and they can break free of their sedentary winter lifestyle. If you’d like…

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Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting

Raise your hand if you’ve ever followed a diet that’s become or already is a fad. In all likelihood, probably about 100 percent of us have a hand over our heads. And that doesn’t even count the number of people who have followed some crazy exercise routine in order to try to make good on…

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Why Strength Training May Help You Live Longer

Strength training

It is a well-known fact that exercising regularly can be beneficial to our bodies on so many levels – it promotes better sleeping, helps us deal with everyday stress, reduces our chances of developing certain illnesses and strengthens our organism as a whole. Doing all that, also helps us live longer and enjoy every opportunity…

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