Why Choose a Handmade Soap?

May soaps

Real, handmade soap is made from natural ingredients and contains glycerin, a natural byproduct of “saponification”, the soap-making process. Glycerin is a humectant, which means it attracts moisture from the air. This makes glycerin an excellent moisturizer because it helps maintain moisture on your skin throughout the day. Most mass-produced bars you find at the…

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5 Common Training Mistakes And How To Fix Them

Training Mistakes

Tom Kelso, Coach, United States, Illinois, St. Louis, Strength and Conditioning Admit it. At some point, you’ve blindly undertaken a popular training program without a clue as to its validity. When I was a young lad, I did it, too. We think because something is out there via paper, print, or the Internet – especially…

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5 Causes of Back Pain

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

Not all injuries are created equal. Here, some of the most prevalent conditions and symptoms. Please review our business at:  Google     Yelp     Facebook To learn more, please visit our Member’s Area to access our subscribed content. Did you know you can work out and exercise with a trainer at your home, office, hotel room, or anywhere…

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4 Ways to Improve Sleep Without Meds

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

According to Consumer Reports, Americans are expected to be spending $52 billion a year in sleep remedies and medications by 2020. This reflects a nationwide sleep crisis, where more and more people are struggling to get the rest they need to function properly.  There are various reasons for this: higher stress, smartphones keeping us awake,…

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4 Exercise Machines That Help Burn Fat And Build Muscle

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

If you’re a fan of the exercise machines at your gym, you might put more thought into how to time your visit so there’s actually one free than to what you do when you’re on it, or how it’s benefitting your body. The truth is, that getting the most out of a machine takes strategy,…

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6 Easy Ways to Detox at Home

detox your home

Now is the perfect time to detox at home. All the excuses you’ve had in the past are gone: there are no business dinners, happy hours, networking events, or weddings. Whatever got in the way of committing to a cleanse has been #cancelled. Why not take this time to take your vibration higher with a…

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New Year’s Resolutions

How To Keep Your New Year's Fitness Resolution From Failing

A new year has always come with new resolutions, one of them being self-improvement in whichever way. For most people, it is an opportunity to highlight their previous year’s incomplete projects, failures, habits to drop like smoking, etc, and then write new goals as a guideline on what to work on to make the new…

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3 Workout Must Dos to Save Time at the Gym

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

When you’re pressed for time during the holidays, it’s important to make the most of your time at the gym. Instead of feeling like you need to spend tons of precious time on a lengthy cardio session, these gym hacks will shave time off your workout and help you see results. Add intervals: Maximize your…

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Obesity and the Microbiome Influence


The gastrointestinal tract is an ecosystem that has a huge impact on human health. Research has shown the floral content of the intestine plays a role in obesity, allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, cancer, and even psychiatric disorders. A new animal study shows how fiber favorably affects the microbiome and influences metabolism. Researchers assigned four different diets to mice. The control group was…

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3 Easy Steps for Staying Well During Cold and Flu Season

3 Easy Steps for Staying Well During Cold and Flu Season

So what can you do so that your time off can be used for a vacation, a retreat, or a business conference instead of at home feeling miserable? What can you do to avoid canceling your appointments or exposing your clients? Rest is still the best medicine for sure if you do get it, but…

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