5 Reasons Why Walking Can Help with Type 2 Diabetes

walking, diabetes

Your doctor advised you to exercise regularly and you want to hit the ground running, but you’re stuck on where to start or just don’t know the kind of exercise that will reap you more benefits. Or maybe you have a busy schedule and just can’t block an hour to hit the gym, go jogging,…

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Why Personalized Fitness Programs Work Best For Diabetics

personalized fitness, diabetes

If you are diabetic, you know just how important it is for you to have a personalized fitness routine to follow. There have even been studies that showed that diabetic women who exercised at least four hours a week had a 40% lower risk of getting heart disease than those with diabetes who didn’t exercise.…

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Self-Massage Techniques for Exercise Recovery


by Paul Kleiman  A look at helpful self-care massage tools for preventing or alleviating pain and imbalances in the body.  Finding time for a massage may sometimes be difficult. That’s why it’s helpful to use self-care massage tools for preventing or alleviating pain or imbalances in the body. While these tools don’t provide “massage” as such (and can’t…

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The Top 4 “Wrong Enemies” to Deal With Diabetes

diabetes myths

The world waits for the fight against diabetes to end. More and more generations are experiencing diabetes and it is one of the leading diseases of death. In fact, according to the latest posting by WHO (World Health Organization) in 2019, an estimated 1.5 million deaths were directly caused by diabetes. This high mortality number…

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Diabetes: Mind Over Matter

diabetes, mindset

The saying goes, the mind leads the body so whatever is in your mind will most likely be what will happen in your body. Your mind is so powerful that it directs the steps your body will make to given circumstances. Persons with diabetes tend to change their whole mindset from being normal to ill.…

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Study Reveals How Attitude Affects Eating Habits

eating habits

A study on the time and effort people put into finding out about nutrition and seeking out nutritious food, and their dietary behavior has revealed that people who focus on positive outcomes are more likely to eat healthy food than those who only seek to prevent disease. The study was carried out on a national level…

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Diabetes & Yoga

diabetes and yoga

Yoga Yoga, a combination of physical, spiritual, and mental practices with Indian origins, is increasingly gaining popularity worldwide. It is a means of balancing the body, mind, and soul, and thus an important aspect in curing and controlling sedentary lifestyle conditions such as obesity and diabetes. The benefits of yoga go beyond that. If practiced…

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Diabetes and Obesity

diabetes and obesity

According to WHO global statistics, at least 2.8 million people die every year as a result of either being obese or overweight. Whereas this used to be a major problem in developed countries, now it is prevalent in middle- and low-income countries too. In 2008, over 40 million preschool children were found to be obese…

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Weight Gain Calculator

weight gain calculator

Gaining solid weight can be rather difficult for some people whether it be in the form of fat or muscle. Now, there can be a few different reasons for this but to keep it simple, a fast metabolism, a small appetite, and not eating enough are the most common.  Although certain health conditions can also…

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People with Peripheral Artery Disease May Have an Omega-3 Deficiency

peripheral artery disease, omega 3's

New research suggests that people with peripheral artery disease (PAD) could have lower omega-3 levels in their red blood cells than people without the disease. PAD affects 8.5 million Americans and more than 200 million people nationwide. It is a common circulatory problem that leads to narrowed arteries in the extremities and insufficient blood flow to keep up…

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