Maintaining Mental Acuity

mental acuity

These days, it seems that we can all name several people suffering from some sort of memory loss, whether it be the effects of age-related dementia, or simply the “foggy-brained” symptoms that can accompany a slowing metabolism and changing hormones. Age-related decline is on the rise, with one in eight older Americans diagnosed with Alzheimer’s,…

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Supplements for Pets?

Supplements for Pets

Are you an avid pet lover?   In a perfect world, the food we give our pets should handle all of their health needs (as with ourselves); however, some supplemental intervention may be required just as with people. Arthritis and Joint Issues As animals age, they become susceptible to arthritis and other joint issues just like…

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Hatha Yoga Can Be A Benefit For Post-Partum Depression

Hatha Yoga

A recent study examined whether women practicing yoga during pregnancy would show health benefits reflected in more adaptive cortisol and affective responses to a single 90-min yoga session, and longer-term benefits as reflected by reduced postnatal depressive symptoms. Women who practiced yoga during pregnancy showed lower mean cortisol levels and higher positive mood on days…

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