Lifestyle Can Thwart Cancer

Lifestyle Can Thwart Cancer

MICHAEL DREGNI Thirty-year mega study finds up to 48 percent of carcinoma could be prevented with healthy lifestyles. Healthy behaviors could prevent many cancer cases and deaths in the United States, according to a recent Harvard study published online by JAMA Oncology. Researchers examined the lifestyles and medical records of more than 135,000 white male and…

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The Most Important Attributes of Probiotics

The Most Important Attributes of Probiotics

To experience health benefits from probiotic supplementation, it’s important to understand which attributes make a probiotic effective.  Before determining which probiotics, the source, and the amounts, it is important to determine the intention of using such an intervention. Probiotics are often used for general health or as a means to restore normal function after an…

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How To Keep Your New Year’s Fitness Resolution From Failing

How To Keep Your New Year's Fitness Resolution From Failing

By Dr. Jordan D. Metzl, CNN (CNN)If you’re like most Americans, you’ve made getting fitter and losing weight your New Year’s resolution. Unfortunately, your resolution will most likely fail. According to a study from the Statistic Brain Research Institute, roughly 42% of Americans made New Year’s resolutions. The most common resolution — made by almost a…

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How Diabetes Affects Various Parts Of The Body

How Diabetes Affects Various Parts Of The Body

Diabetes affects an estimated 29 million people in the United States, and although the disease can be caused by many factors and can come in different forms, the symptoms are usually very similar. Some people are diagnosed with it at a very early age; this is usually called Type 1 diabetes and is an immune…

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Mark Imperial Radio Interview

Mark Imperial

This may not be a big deal to many people, but I was recently asked to speak on an iHeart Radio program regarding Fitness and Training. It’s been a long-time goal of mine to share my expertise with as many folks as I could reach, and to be asked to do it on this radio…

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23 Superfoods to Add to Your Diet For a Healthy Life


by Kristy Rice.  Click Here to go directly to her article. Courtesy of: ‘Superfood’ is a broad term used to identify foods that have research-proven nutritional benefits. Whether you’re currently suffering from chronic illnesses or want to protect yourself from future health issues, these foods can lower your blood pressure, manage diabetes, improve digestion, help…

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The Protein Snack You Need After a Workout — Only 47 Calories

Protein Balls

When you need a quick post-workout snack, something with protein and carbs, look no further. Made with only three ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen, these protein balls couldn’t be easier to whip up. At 47 calories per ball, a three-piece serving is 141 calories and offers 8.1 grams of protein and 24…

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Why Good Health Starts With Gut Health

Why Good Health Starts With Gut Health

With growing interest in the human digestive tract, many individuals are curious about overall gut health. The gastrointestinal tract starts at the mouth and continues through the colon. Throughout the gastrointestinal tract are bacteria, fungi, and archaea, also known as the gut microbiota, which play a major role in digestive and total body health.1,2 (When the term…

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Seasonal Eating: Your Guide To November Produce

Seasonal Eating Your Guide To November Produce

Why eat seasonal produce? First and foremost, it’s friendly on your wallet: because your food isn’t traveling in from far off places, the cost is cut down significantly. You also have the opportunity to buy from local farmers, who desperately need support in this age of Big Agriculture. Finally, seasonal produce simply tastes better! Seasonal…

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Eating Disorders, Fitness, and Substance Abuse

Eating Disorders, Fitness, and Substance Abuse

By Chris Elkins Chris Elkins is a senior writer and researcher for He writes about addiction-related topics, reports the latest news, and tells stories of recovery. Despite the stereotype, supermodels and teenage girls trying to become what they see on magazine covers aren’t the only people who suffer from eating disorders. An estimated 20…

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