What is The Starchivore Diet and Why We Are Starchivores

starchivore diet

If you are curious about the starchivore diet, you are in the right place. This is a unique diet that is a spin-off of the traditional plant-based diet. This is a great option for anyone, whether you have diabetes or just want to feel better in your body. It is a sustainable diet that allows…

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Try Different Plank Variations to Spice Up Your Workout


 by Stephanie Vlach, MS  Add some fun challenges to your core workouts with these variations on the basic plank. Forearm plank, side plank, plank with hip dips—all are group exercise favorites. The plank is one of the most familiar and effective choices for core work, and it’s an easy addition. However, how many times can you program that…

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Thru a Zen lens – Another way to look at Cholesterol


Your Nutritional Moment of Zen       A Cholesterol Family Photo Album: It all starts with a 17-carbon, four ring structure (three 6’s and one 5), add an OH (hydroxyl) group to make it a sterol, then layer on a couple of methyl (CH3) groups to the rings plus the carbon side chain at the top and…

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The Function of Fat – Part III, In Search of that 10%…

Your Nutritional Moment of Zen       But first, some “Fun” Facts about Fat: Where to Find Your (Omega-3) Fat: First though, I want to remind you that 10% max of your caloric intake should be fat, so regarding the list below, more and more is definitely not better and better. Very small amounts are all you…

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The Function of Fat – Part II, Too much of a good thing…

okinawa diet

Your Nutritional Moment of Zen       (Editor’s Note: A bit late this week due to homework! Had to research and write a paper on “The Joys of Having a Hysterectomy”. FYI – There aren’t very many…) Last week we looked at the important roles of fat in our bodies. You may recall there are a bunch.…

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The Function of Fat (In Humans…)

function of fat

Your Nutritional Moment of Zen         We have a love / hate relationship with fat: Nobody wants to be fat, so we try to avoid foods with lots of fat for that reason, while at the same time we crave foods that have lots of fat in them (ice cream, eggs, butter, cheese, steak, birthday cake,…

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Yoga Workout: The 5 Essential Pieces You’ll Need‍

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

When you first start practicing yoga, your biggest challenge might not be mastering the poses or finding a studio that feels like home. Rather, it’s figuring out what type of clothing to wear when practicing yoga so that you don’t freeze in a room with an indoor temperature of 50 degrees. As you grow more…

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There Is Power in Protein for Older Adults

protein, seniors

by Matthew Kadey, MS, RD Study finds the formula to keep muscle while losing body fat Many older adults could benefit from dropping a few pounds of body fat. With weight loss, though, there are often reductions in bone strength and lean body mass, thereby raising the risk of mobility issues and injury from falls. New research shows…

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Prediabetes a Risk for Cognitive Decline and Dementia

prediabetes, dementia

Results from the UK Biobank study, one of the largest cohorts of middle-aged adults to provide data for HbA1c across the glycemic spectrum as well as measures of cognitive function, neuroimaging, and dementia, were recently published in the journal Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism. The authors report that both prediabetes and diabetes were associated with an increase in risk for…

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