Yoga Workout: The 5 Essential Pieces You’ll Need‍

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

When you first start practicing yoga, your biggest challenge might not be mastering the poses or finding a studio that feels like home. Rather, it’s figuring out what type of clothing to wear when practicing yoga so that you don’t freeze in a room with an indoor temperature of 50 degrees. As you grow more…

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There Is Power in Protein for Older Adults

protein, seniors

by Matthew Kadey, MS, RD Study finds the formula to keep muscle while losing body fat Many older adults could benefit from dropping a few pounds of body fat. With weight loss, though, there are often reductions in bone strength and lean body mass, thereby raising the risk of mobility issues and injury from falls. New research shows…

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Prediabetes a Risk for Cognitive Decline and Dementia

prediabetes, dementia

Results from the UK Biobank study, one of the largest cohorts of middle-aged adults to provide data for HbA1c across the glycemic spectrum as well as measures of cognitive function, neuroimaging, and dementia, were recently published in the journal Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism. The authors report that both prediabetes and diabetes were associated with an increase in risk for…

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How Improving Your Health Can Improve Your Finances


Because of the high cost of health care, gym memberships, and trendy health foods, many people assume that healthy living is expensive. With the right approach, however, improving your health can also improve your finances. Saving With a little research, you can save money on expenses associated with fitness and nutrition. There are a variety…

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Fuel Sources for Optimal Brain Functioning

Fuel Sources for Optimal Brain Functioning

Years back, accompanied by my sibling, we went to visit my grandpa. He sat outside his house enjoying the morning sun. After greeting him, he asked, “Who are you? As a 10yr old girl who was hardly home, I didn’t see a big deal, and so I introduced myself. He further asked, “Is that your…

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How to Cope with Being Told You Are Diabetic

How to Cope with Being Told You Are Diabetic

When your doctor confirms a diabetes diagnosis, it’s normally a moment of shock and disbelief. The first thought that’ll probably pop up in your head is why me?  You may start to blame yourself for past actions or inactions; imagine terrible times ahead; be nervous about future treatments and medications; and wonder how the condition…

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Increase Neuromuscular Power

by Len Kravitz, Ph.D. and Rob Tapia Competitive athletes often train for peak neuromuscular power to excel at the complex movements their sports require. With the right power training, fitness competitors can improve their tennis serve, golf swing, running speed, volleyball spike, soccer performance, basketball vertical jump, and so on. First, you need to understand the fundamentals of neuromuscular power…

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Vacation Is Good For The Heart

Vacations good for the heart

A new medical study from Syracuse University led by Bryce Hruska and Brooks Gump revealed the tangible heart-protective effects of going on vacation. We all “feel” the benefits of vacation, but are yet to fully understand the underlying mechanisms behind the health benefits. To assess the health of the participants the researchers monitored markers for metabolic…

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