The Top 5 Exercises Every Person with Diabetes Should Try

People living with diabetes should lead a healthy lifestyle in order to manage their weight and blood sugar levels. Exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet can assist in reducing health risks such as stroke, cardiovascular problems, and heart attack. Hence, your overall body health will be  greatly improved.

Some of the easiest exercises to get you started include:

  1. Walking.

Walking is one of the best and least expensive methods of exercising a diabetic can try out. You’ll only need supportive sports shoes, and you can start the exercise at any time of the day. You can set a  target of 20 minutes each day and add time as your fitness and schedule allow. After a period of time, say a month, you should see significant reduction in body weight which can translate to reduced blood sugar levels.

  1. Swimming.

Swimming is a friendly exercise for the joints. Aqua jogging, swimming, and other water activities have been proven to be the best workout for the lungs, heart, and muscles because they put little strain on the joints. These activities help lower the blood sugar levels.

  1. Weightlifting.

Strengthening activities, like lifting weights, help in building the body mass. While doing the exercise, there is an increase in the numbers of calories being burned unlike when you’re just sitting or at rest. Blood sugar is also controlled to a better degree during strength training.

  1. Yoga.

Yoga helps in managing cholesterol levels, blood sugar, body weight, lowering blood pressure, improving your sleep quality as well as enhancing your mood. Therefore, it’s also a good exercise for diabetic people and should be incorporated on a regular schedule.

  1. Cycling.

Most people with diabetes suffer from arthritis as well. These two illnesses have many conjoint risk factors, such as obesity. Cycling is viewed as the best exercise for people suffering from diabetic neuropathy, an ailment that occurs when the nerves are damaged leading to pain in the joints.

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