Ways of Controlling and Managing Neuropathy

Neuropathy is a serious complication caused by nerve damage, results in numbness, weakness, and or pain. The numbness is either felt in the hands or the feet. This complication can be quite disabling and can affect how the rest of the body’s organs function. In most cases, it occurs because of diabetes. But it can also be because of infections, injuries, and exposure to toxins.

So how do we control or get rid of neuropathy? Below are some proven ways to do so.

1. Dietary Changes

What clicks in your mind when you realize neuropathy’s main cause is diabetes? Your diet.

Changing how much of what you eat will help lower the sugar level or even ease neuropathy symptoms.

A diet rich in fiber and low in refined carbs can prevent blood sugar spikes. For you to control neuropathy, avoid sweets, pastas, white bread, and processed snacks.

Other foods you should incorporate in your diet to control or even get rid of neuropathy are:

  • Food rich in antioxidants and essential fats such as fatty fish and blueberries. These foods may combat swelling.
  • Reducing or doing away with alcohol intake.
  • Fiber-rich foods slow absorption rate thus preventing overeating. This is crucial for blood sugar and weight management.

2. Vitamins

Various vitamins and supplements support nerve health. Such supplements also manage the symptoms of neuropathy. These vitamins include:

  • Vitamin E – Vitamin E is an antioxidant. Foods rich in vitamin-E help in reducing swelling that causes nerve damage and control burning and tingling effects caused by diabetic neuropathy.
  • Omega 3 Fatty acids – Includes food like fatty fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids. This healthy fat helps in reducing inflammation and supports a healthy nervous system.
    Magnesium and calcium – When taken together, they help in reducing muscle cramps. Yet, their excess intake may lead to diarrhea.
  • B- Complex vitamins – Deficiency of B-12 damages the protective nerves coating. B-9 deficiency may also impair nerve health. So, a combination of B1, B6, and B12 supplements may help ease neuropathic pains.

3. Exercise

Exercise plays a vital role in muscle toning. Once the muscles are toned, some neuropathy symptoms may improve.  Exercise also helps in preventing several health problems such as diabetes, which as mentioned, can cause peripheral neuropathy.

For people already diagnosed with diabetes, exercising helps in blood sugar control. Exercise reduces peripheral pressure. This reduction benefits people at risk of neuropathy.

4. Stretching

Stretching helps to reduce the pain and tension in your muscles, both of which can affect neuropathy. Keeping the muscles and fascia free of adhesions can lessen the tension on the muscles and nerves and help minimize the pain from neuropathy.

5. Quit smoking!

Smoking narrows and damages the peripheral blood vessels. This makes it risky for peripheral neuropathy. Smoking can also heighten symptoms of nerve damage. This can happen even if it is because of another lifestyle factor.

6. Warm bath

Taking a warm bath can be comforting and can also ease pains from neuropathy. Warm water helps in increasing blood circulation in the body. Once the blood is well circulated, then the pain caused by numbness goes down. Make sure to not use water that is too hot if your sensory nerves are not in the best condition.

7. Meditation

Meditation helps in lowering stress. Apart from that, it improves your coping skills and decreases the pain concentration. Meditation is a non-invasive technique that provides you with power over your condition.

8. Medication

Your doctor will physically examine you and conduct any other required tests before they prescribe medication that will ease the pain or control the numbness. The drugs work up to 94% most of the time, but remember, all prescription medications come with potential side effects, so best to start with the first seven strategies (especially #1).

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