continuous glucose monitors

CGM for Diabetes Health

By Terry Linde | July 27, 2022

Continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) are wearable diabetes tools that monitor and alarm for changes in your glucose. CGMs are different from glucometers (glucose meters) because they can only tell you what your glucose is, right now. There are three parts to a CGM system: A self-inserted sensor that sits under the skin for up to 14…


Insulin for Diabetes Management and Reversal

By Terry Linde | July 22, 2022

Life is precious, and we all want to live our best life regardless of any cards we’ve been dealt. A diabetic patient is no stranger to insulin and its usefulness in diabetes management. With proper care given to food and nutrition habits, a person can not only survive but also thrive while living with diabetes.…

weight loss

How Long Does It Take to Lose Weight?

By Terry Linde | July 20, 2022

Weight loss is probably one of the most popular concerns of most people across the world. Be it for a special occasion or to achieve your fitness goals, weight loss is common. Now, before one starts on the weight loss journey, the first question that pops into one’s mind is: How long will it take…


Top 10 Reasons You Might Benefit From Chiropractic Care

By Terry Linde | July 15, 2022

One of the most sought-after forms of alternative healing is corrective chiropractic care. The purpose of chiropractic treatment is not only to relieve pain but to improve quality of life by alleviating systemic problems relating to muscles and the central nervous system. Given the researched benefits of chiropractic care, it is likely that you or someone…

skin care

Dermatologists Recommended Skin Care Tips You Must Know

By Terry Linde | July 15, 2022

Healthy and glowing skin is all that we wish for! While we know the basic skin care tips, including drinking plenty of water, and eating well, what about everything in between? With new beauty brands entering the market and endless skincare advice on the internet, it can be difficult to know the skincare routine that…


Should a Diabetic be a Starchivore?

By Terry Linde | July 13, 2022

Carnivores eat meat. Herbivores eat plants. Omnivores eat both. Starchivores, anyone? Simply put, Starchivores are starch eaters. That’s right, starchivores are people who consume a diet rich in carbohydrates like potatoes, rice, bread, pasta, cereals and grains. Studies have shown that whole-foods, high-carb, plant-based eaters enjoy higher levels of energy, fiber content and the feeling…

underarm sweating

Are You Suffering from Excessive Underarm Sweating?

By Terry Linde | July 7, 2022

Here’s what you can do! Armpit sweating is ordinary in human beings. However, some people suffer from excessive sweating in their underarms. If you are someone who perspires a lot in their underarms, we understand you must have tried different deodorants and perfumes to keep off the smell. At the same time, some help keeps…

confidence, success

Confidence Is Key to Success

By Terry Linde | July 6, 2022

When setting and achieving personal or professional goals, confidence can determine success. Talent, opportunity — these things are important, but confidence is paramount. That said, confidence can be tricky to exude if you do not naturally have it. For most people, confidence arrives slowly over time as part of a long-term learning process. Even so,…

healthy meals

Prepare Fresh and Healthy Meals with These 5 Ideas

By Terry Linde | June 30, 2022

A healthy lifestyle would not be complete without delicious and nutritious meals. However, we will inevitably run out of ideas in the kitchen from time to time. Maybe it is because we are uninspired, or the recipe banks inside our minds need more material.  There is no need to worry anymore as we have got…


Some Things to Know About Fat

By Terry Linde | June 29, 2022

With diabetes, eating thoughtfully is important for your well-being. A healthy diet can help to regulate blood sugars while decreasing the risk of heart disease. Eating the right kind of fats, in the right amounts, such as avocado, salmon, and nuts is part of a heart-healthy diet. There are about 94 million adults in the…