health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

7 Beginner Kettlebell Exercises To Work Your Entire Body

By Terry Linde | February 17, 2021

Beginner kettlebell exercises are an excellent way to add variety to your workout routine, whether you’re new to strength training or you’re just faithful to your trusty 15-pound dumbbells. Using different equipment offers up new ways to work your muscles, which is key to seeing results, and there are endless ways to burn out your…

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

6 Ways Yoga Can Improve Your Life

By Terry Linde | February 17, 2021

Yoga has been around for more than 5000 years. While its popularity in the west just increased within the past few decades, Yogis from India have already been practicing yoga in caves for a long time as a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline.  Considering the age of this practice, it’s natural to believe that it…

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

6 Ways to Reduce Your Office Stress

By Terry Linde | February 17, 2021

Imagine working four hours a day, nine months a year, and earning all the money you need to do exactly what you want with your free time.  That’s how the average worker should be living now, according to predictions made a century ago. Despite the introduction of many labor-saving devices in the workplace and home,…

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

6 Tips to Reduce Your Risk For Cancer

By Terry Linde | February 17, 2021

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) recently unveiled six assertive dietary guidelines for cancer prevention. Please contact us with any questions or comments. Please review our business at:  Google Yelp Facebook To learn more, please visit our Member’s Area to access our subscribed content. Did you know you can work out and exercise with a…

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

6 Tips for Pain-Free Driving

By Terry Linde | February 17, 2021

Do you get aches and pains after spending a long time driving a car? Taking an extra minute or two to adjust your vehicle’s seat before setting off can make the difference between a pleasant and painful trip. It can also help you avoid neck, shoulder, back, hip, and leg problems. Just follow these 6…

Diabetes, Dental Diseases, and Gum Problems

Diabetes, Dental Diseases, and Gum Problems

By Terry Linde | February 17, 2021

Unmanaged diabetes leads to high blood sugar levels in the mouth fluids facilitating the growth of bacteria that causes gum diseases. Infections from untreated periodontal diseases can cause the blood sugar to go high making it harder to manage and control diabetes. How can diabetes affect the mouth? The mouth consists of your teeth, gums,…

6 Exercises That Burn Calories In Overdrive (And Are Not Burpees)

6 Exercises That Burn Calories In Overdrive (And Are Not Burpees)

By Terry Linde | February 17, 2021

If your health, fitness, or body composition goals involve fat-burning or losing weight, after working on your nutrition, you’re going to want to focus on fitness routines tailored to those goals. In most cases this means regular workouts that involve exercises that burn calories and build muscle. Most people immediately associate cardio with calorie-burning, and…

holiday stress

5 Tips To Manage Holiday Stress

By Terry Linde | February 17, 2021

It’s the time of year when we find ourselves busier than usual as we gather with friends and family. However, even “good stress” can affect one’s routine and sense of balance. Here are five tips to help manage anxiety over the holidays. Please review our business at:  Google Yelp Facebook To learn more, please visit our…

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

5 Tips To Keep Your Brain Healthy

By Terry Linde | February 17, 2021

Ever wondered why you ran when you saw a dog after it started barking at you? It’s all largely because of our brains.  According to National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, the brain is a three-pound organ that is the seat of intelligence, interpreter of the senses, initiator of body movement, and controller of…

holiday weight gain

5 Tips To Help With Holiday Weight Management

By Terry Linde | February 17, 2021

Please contact us with any questions or comments. Please review our business at:  Google Yelp Facebook To learn more, please visit our Member’s Area to access our subscribed content. Did you know you can work out and exercise with a trainer at your home, office, hotel room, or anywhere in the world with online personal training?…