3 Easy Steps for Staying Well During Cold and Flu Season
So what can you do so that your time off can be used for a vacation, a retreat, or a business conference instead of at home feeling miserable? What can you do to avoid canceling your appointments or exposing your clients? Rest is still the best medicine for sure if you do get it, but…
‘Health’ Foods May Not Deliver On Their Promise
Grocery store aisles are filled with foods that sound like they’re good for you, with labels that announce that they’re “low fat” or “high fiber.” But foods that sound healthy aren’t always. Group Health dietitian Terri Fox, RD, helps sort through the hype. Food The problem Try this instead Low-fat saladdressing It may be low…
3 Alternative Methods For Reducing Your Child’s Anxiety
As parents, you hope that your child’s classroom will be a place that allows kids to develop their minds, build relationships, and explore the world around them. That’s why it’s so disheartening to see your child deal with anxiety in school. Anxiety can manifest in many forms such as fear ofplaying with other children or…
How Type 2 Diabetics Can Benefit from the Keto Diet
Description: The keto diet is proving beneficial if you have type 2 diabetes. Why? It’s because of the reduced glucose levels in your body once you cut out carbohydrates. When you have Type 2 Diabetes, you have a problem regulating your body’s sugar levels. Given that the disease has no cure, you can learn to…
Magnesium Supplementation for Asthma
Earlier research has shown a relationship between low magnesium and the development of asthma. Also, IV magnesium has been used in emergencies to stop an asthma attack. Recent research, appearing in the Journal of Asthma (2010;47(1):83–92), looked at the effect magnesium supplementation had on patients with asthma. The subjects of the study were 52 men…
Diabetes and HIV Aids
HIV attacks the CD4 helper cells which are responsible for keeping us healthy, thus weakening a person’s ability to fight new infections. Although there are medications to slow the disease’s progress, spread to uninfected persons, and delay/prevent the onset of AIDS, victims are susceptible to other health conditions. Research shows that people living with HIV…
4 Ways to Up Your Mood When the Weather is Down
It’s officially #PSL season, which means it’s time to put on our cozy knits, binge-watch Netflix, light a million candles, and excitedly cancel plans with friends. Even though we all look to fall and winter as a time to get healthy, the novelty of the season can wear off quickly as the days get shorter…
Ketogenic Diet Influences Gut Fungi
How the ketogenic influences the microbiota is a favorite research topic today. Some data suggests that ketogenic diets may compromise the bacterial diversity in the gut, for example, decreasing the common Bifidobacteria. And in a recent single-center, randomized, double-blind crossover pilot study published in the journal EBioMedicine, modifiable fungi in the gut of patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) was identified. Principal…
Asthma, Inhaled Corticosteroids, and Adrenal Suppression
Adrenal suppression may be an issue in asthmatic patients. A study published in Thorax (1993;48:599-602) looked at children who were taking 400 micrograms of steroids per day. The subjects of the study were 49 children who had a mean age of 9.2 years, taking budesonide, and 28 children with a mean age of 10.2 years…
How Women Are Leading the BioHacking Movement
image source Biohacking is a practice with HUGE potential for our health and wellbeing. And, while it’s been a primarily male-dominated industry, women innovators like our founders, Lauren and Katie, are leading the way in understanding how biohacking can improve our lifestyle. For those who don’t know much about this field, biohacking is the idea…