Expert Advice on the Impact of Technology Use in Daily Life

Technology has revolutionized our lives, offering countless benefits and conveniences that make our daily lives more accessible and connected. However, with these benefits come potential challenges and risks that can impact our digital experiences. In this article, we have gathered expert advice on the impact of technology use in our daily lives, including the importance of warranties and tech protection in safeguarding our technology investments. Our experts offer invaluable insights and guidance on using technology safely and effectively while protecting us from unexpected costs or problems. Whether you’re a casual user or a technology enthusiast, our experts’ insights will help you navigate the world of technology with confidence and peace of mind.

How to protect kids from online abuse in the modern era of technology?

“As parents, it’s important to acknowledge that online child abuse is a widespread problem that we need to address. But does this mean we should ban technology from our children’s lives? Absolutely not! Technology is an integral part of our children’s lives, providing numerous benefits. Instead, we should think of practical ways to minimize the risks of online abuse. Many parents today depend on parental control apps like Mobicip to safeguard their children’s online activities and build healthy digital habits. These apps allow parents to supervise their child’s online behavior, restrict screen time, prevent access to certain websites and applications, filter inappropriate content, and get instant notifications about dangerous interactions or inappropriate content. Parents feel reassured and free of worry, knowing that their children’s online surroundings are secure and protected. In addition to using a parental control app, we must also focus on building a strong connection with our kids. By initiating conversations about their digital lives, we can understand their digital world, educate them about the potential risks and dangers of the internet, and teach them how to stay safe. By being proactive and engaged in our children’s digital lives, we can protect them from online abuse while still allowing them to benefit from technology.”


How to choose the best due diligence software for your business?

“With a variety of solutions on the market, finding the best due diligence software for your business can be a tedious task. In addition to the software’s capabilities meeting your needs, there are other factors to consider when picking the right solution for your business. As due diligence involves the sharing of sensitive information, security is a key factor to consider. When browsing solutions, it is important to consider if their security features are up to industry standards. User-friendliness is another factor to consider when adopting a new due diligence software. Introducing a new tool should increase team efficiency, not disrupt your existing workflow. When searching for the perfect due diligence solution, pick one that meets the above criteria and more. DealRoom is a lifecycle deal management solution, providing pipeline, diligence, integration, and document management all under one platform. DealRoom’s user-friendly and intuitive features allow for customizable workflows to fit the specific needs of each user. DealRoom also offers industry-leading security features, including data encryption, granular permissions, and detailed audit logs, guaranteeing that your information is always protected. When choosing the best due diligence software for your business, consider a user-friendly, flexible, and secure solution.”


Why are backups important, and what is the safest way of doing them? 

“Backups are important for several reasons. They help to protect against data loss, which can be caused by a variety of reasons, such as hardware failure, software corruption, natural disasters, or cyber-attacks. Backups also help to ensure that important data is available when needed, such as in the case of an emergency or system failure. Additionally, backups provide a way to recover deleted or corrupted files. This is also important because the loss of data can result in consequences such as financial loss, damage to reputation, and even legal issues. If not these, then loss of data may also lead to emotional effects in certain cases. A backup, however, can restore data quickly and avoid any significant disruption, emotional or otherwise. The safest way of doing backups is by following the 3-2-1 backup rule. This rule states that you should have at least three copies of your data, stored on at least two different storage media, with one copy stored offsite. This provides redundancy in case of a failure of one storage medium or location.

There are several methods of backing up data, including:

  • External hard drives or USB drives: These are inexpensive and portable, making them a popular choice for personal backups. However, they can be lost or damaged, so it is important to keep them in a safe location and make regular backups.
  • Cloud backups: These store data on remote servers, which can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. This provides an offsite backup solution, but it is important to choose a reputable provider and to ensure that the data is encrypted and secure.
  • Network-attached storage (NAS): These are devices that connect to a network and provide centralized storage for multiple devices. They can be configured to automatically back up data from multiple devices on the network.
  • Tape backups: These are less common but are still used by some businesses for the long-term storage of large amounts of data.

Regardless of the backup method chosen, it is important to regularly test backups regularly to ensure that they can be successfully restored in case of an emergency.”


What are the best trending electric toys for kids in 2023?

“Augmented Reality (AR) Toys: These toys blend the physical and digital world, providing an immersive experience. Popular examples include AR-enabled building sets and interactive storybooks that come to life through an app.
Educational Robotics: Robotics toys like the LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor and Sphero’s programmable robots have gained popularity for teaching coding, engineering, and problem-solving skills through hands-on play.”


Aside from security, what are some of the features of a VPN?

“Accessing geo-restricted content: One of the main benefits of using a VPN is its ability to bypass geographical restrictions in the world of flight prices, content, gaming, and more. Many websites and online services are only available in certain countries or regions. With a VPN, you can change your virtual location and access content that is otherwise blocked or unavailable in your country. Imagine you’re playing a game with friends; by using a VPN, you can improve your gaming experience by connecting to a server closer to the game’s host location and bypassing regional restrictions to access features unavailable in your region.
Increased privacy and anonymity: While security and privacy go hand in hand, VPNs offer more than just encryption. They also provide a level of anonymity by masking your IP address and making it difficult for websites and online services to track your online activity. This can be particularly useful for users who are concerned about their online privacy or who want to avoid targeted ads.
Faster internet speeds: Believe it or not, using a VPN can actually improve your internet speed in certain situations. If your internet service provider (ISP) is throttling your internet speed, a VPN can help you bypass this by encrypting your traffic and hiding it from your ISP. Additionally, some VPN providers offer dedicated servers that are optimized for faster speeds, reducing buffering and improving download and upload speeds.”

Bright VPN

How does creating a website can help a home business?

“As a digital marketing consultant, I once worked with a client who had a home-based bakery business. She struggled to reach new customers beyond her local community and wanted to expand her reach and grow her business. After assessing her needs, I recommended that she create a website for her business. With the website, she could showcase her unique baked goods, provide a platform for online ordering, and expand her reach to customers beyond her local community. The website was designed to be visually appealing and user-friendly while effectively showcasing the brand and products in an attractive way. Additionally, the website was optimized for search engines and integrated with social media platforms to increase visibility and drive traffic to the site. Within a few months of launching the website, she saw an increase in orders. Customers could easily place orders through the website and leave reviews, which provided social proof and helped build trust with potential customers. Also used data analytics to track customer behavior and make data-driven decisions to improve the website and marketing strategy. The website became a valuable asset for her business, helping her to expand her reach, increase sales, and gather valuable customer data. Overall, creating a website helped her home-based business to grow and thrive in a competitive marketplace.”

Litto James,

How can technology be utilized to enhance productivity for remote teams working from home?

“Our team facilitates strategic planning sessions and we’re frequently working with teams that are working remotely. Here are a few of our best tips for productivity: 

  • Clear strategy: As teams have fewer touch points, it’s critical they are aligned and bought into the direction of the organization. 
  • Clear big rocks for the week. Make sure you’re not just busy but doing things that will move the needle on your strategic goals
  • Clear accountability: Basecamp or other project management tools to help make sure nothing falls through the cracks
  • Clear communication: Schedule the right meetings, so you are connecting at the right times to deliver important work and align on important topics. 
  • Clear agendas: When you do meet, make sure you’re coming together, staying focused, and getting the most important information across

Creating the right strategy and the right structure to keep it moving forward will help your team drive your most important outcomes, regardless of if you’re working in an office or remotely. 

Anthony Taylor, SME Strategy Consulting

How to monitor your kids’ activities online?

“As a father of two kids and the founder of, a website dedicated to providing guides on software and apps, I have extensive experience in monitoring my children’s online activities. Over the years, I have tested and reviewed numerous parental control apps and software to ensure my children’s online safety. When it comes to monitoring your kids’ activity online, it’s crucial to find a balance between keeping them safe and respecting their privacy. One of the most effective ways to achieve this balance is by using parental control software that allows you to set limits on their device usage, restrict access to inappropriate content, and monitor their online activity. However, it’s important to note that parental control software is not a substitute for good communication with your kids. You should have regular conversations with them about online safety and the potential dangers of the internet. By establishing trust and open communication, you can work together to create a safe and responsible online environment for your family. As I always say, ‘Parental control software is just one tool in the toolbox of responsible parenting’.”

How to plan the best online date with the help of technology?

“To plan a date online with the help of technology, we recommend using a reservation app like OpenTable to make dinner reservations. Not only will this let her know you thought ahead with the smaller details, but it will also ensure a smooth date by eliminating a long waiting time for a table to open up.”

Introverted Alpha

What are the benefits of teaching kids to code and how to make it fun?

“The ability to code has become increasingly important in the modern world due to the rapid advancement of technology and its integration into nearly every aspect of our lives. This is something that will only continue as our children grow up and enter the world at large as the demand for workers with coding skills continues to grow rapidly. Teaching kids to code offers numerous benefits beyond just developing technical skills and getting them future-ready. It promotes problem-solving abilities, critical thinking, and logical reasoning, all of which are essential in today’s digital age. Additionally, coding can increase creativity and encourage children to think outside the box. However, it’s important to make coding fun and engaging for kids rather than a dull and tedious task. One way to make it exciting is to introduce gamification elements, such as incorporating fun characters or adding game-like challenges, and there are loads of great apps to get them started with. We love CodeSpark Academy, Lego Boost, and Tynker. Another approach is to encourage group work or peer learning, where children can work together to solve problems and learn from each other. Ultimately, making coding fun and enjoyable can ignite children’s interest in technology and set them on a path to explore new and exciting opportunities in the future.”

Motherhood: The Real Deal

How is technology promoting health and wellness?

“Technology has revolutionized the healthcare industry and is playing an increasingly important role in promoting health and wellness. Here are some ways in which technology has helped:

Wearable technology: Wearable devices, such as fitness trackers and smartwatches, are becoming increasingly popular. These devices can track a person’s physical activity, sleep patterns, heart rate, and more. They provide valuable insights into a person’s health and wellness and can help motivate them to make positive lifestyle changes.

Telehealth: Telemedicine allows patients to receive medical care remotely through video conferencing, phone calls, or other digital means. It has also allowed fitness professionals to work with more people who aren’t in a local market via video conferencing, webinars, etc.

Mobile Apps: There are a plethora of mobile apps available that promote health and wellness. These apps can help users track their diet and exercise, manage chronic conditions, and access medical information.

Virtual Reality: Virtual reality (VR) is being used in healthcare to treat conditions such as anxiety, phobias, and PTSD. VR can also be used for physical therapy and rehabilitation.

Overall, technology is playing an increasingly important role in promoting health and wellness, and it is likely that we will see even more innovative uses of technology in the healthcare industry in the future.”

Destiny Management