Why Hydration Should Be on Your Mind

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

Research points to a link between dehydration and mental performance People who like to work up a sweat should definitely have proper hydration practices on their minds. A review in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found strong evidence that athletes who lose more than 2% of their body weight in fluids—all too common in prolonged…

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10 Things to Know About Measles

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

In theory, the measles virus could be eliminated from the face of the earth entirely. An effective vaccine against the disease exists. Furthermore, accurate diagnostic tests to identify the disease are available readily. In addition, because animals do not carry the virus, an entire animal species would not have to be eradicated. Unfortunately, however, if…

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10 Natural Remedies for Anxiety That Really Work

Natural Remedies for Anxiety

By: Providence Health Team Almost everyone experiences anxiety at one time or another. Whether it’s about money, work, or relationships, modern life seems to be a minefield of anxiety-producing situations. But everyday anxiety isn’t necessarily something that requires turning to drugs or therapy. In observance of Mental Health Month, we’re sharing these simple anxiety remedies…

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10 Foods to Improve Your Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux

By: Providence Health Team Do you have a burning feeling? If you frequently experience heartburn or discomfort in the abdomen or chest after eating, you may have acid reflux. Don’t worry; you are not alone. A recent study suggests that 60 percent of the population experience acid reflux at some point. About 20 to 30…

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10 Easy Ways To Slash Calories

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

Amanda MacMillan/TIME Cutting a few calories here and there won’t show up on the scale immediately but making consistent changes will. Here are10 effortless ways to sidestep excess calories throughout your day—without missing them at all. Drink your tea or coffee plain A recent study published in the journal Public Health found that people who…

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9 Ways to Age Gracefully

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

Individuals who age ‘ gracefully are able to find a balance between the inevitability that every day brings them one day closer to death and the value of doing whatever they can to remain healthy and vital as long as they can. Although mortality is a fact of life, so is the fact that many…

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7 Ways to Set a Fitness Resolution You’ll Actually Keep

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

Fitness, by Laura Newc This New Year, millions of Americans will don their sneakers, shimmy into their gym shorts, and resolve to transform their fitness in the months ahead. These visions of physical grandeur vary widely. One person might aim to walk for an hour three times each week; another might plan to run five marathons…

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7 Tips to Get the Best Sleep Ever

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

Good sleep eludes so many of us in our stressful, hectic lifestyles. Most of us don’t get enough sleep and the sleep we do get is less than optimal. Not having enough sleep makes us cranky and less able to function the next day. But, practicing good sleep hygiene can set you up for having…

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7 Tips For Weathering Cold And Flu Season

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

You’ve probably had many cold and flu viruses over the years. But you may still be surprised by just how bad a cold or the flu make you feel. And you may not remember what treatments work best or when to see a doctor. From prevention to treatment, here are the top seven things you…

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7 Superfoods To Eat To Prevent Sunburn

health, fitness, nutrition, wellness

Real sun protection doesn’t come from slathering on sunscreen. It comes from the inside out, from avoiding inflammatory foods and getting plenty of good protective fats, which help the body anti-inflame and heal. The biggest thing you can do to prevent sunburn is to eat an anti-inflammatory diet.Avoid all grains, legumes, soy, dairy that isn’t…

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