Quinoa Stuffed Zucchini Boats

Quinoa Stuffed Zucchini Boats

Serve these as a side dish or appetizer at your next cookout. For the romesco sauce: 1 slice crusty bread, cut into cubes 1 cup drained and chopped bottled roasted red bell peppers ¼ cup sliced almonds 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice kosher salt, to taste ½ teaspoon smoked…

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The Role of HCl in Digestion

The Role of HCl in Digestion

Digestion starts with the sight, thought, or smell of food. When the brain anticipates an incoming meal, the vagus nerve sends a message to the stomach causing the release of acetylcholine. The binding of acetylcholine to G cells in the stomach starts the secretion of gastrin and, in combination with acetylcholine and histamine, stimulates parietal cells…

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5 Easy Tweaks For An Instant Focus Boost

5 Easy Tweaks For An Instant Focus Boost

You know that feeling you get when you get to the bottom of the page, and you realize you have processed absolutely nothing that you have just read?  Or, you’re looking at someone and have to ask yourself what they just said. Lack of focus can be an issue for a lot of people, but…

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Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is not classified as a vitamin, yet is synthesized by the body and is conditionally essential. Alpha lipoic acid benefits include supporting glucose metabolism, and this is perhaps it’s best-known feature.1,2,3 As a chiral molecule, it can be found in both isomeric forms (S and R) while the majority of non-specified supplemental…

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U.S. Adults Get Failing Grades in Healthy Lifestyle Behavior

U.S. Adults Get Failing Grades in Healthy Lifestyle Behavior

by Shari Barbanel in Top Headlines Only 2.7 percent of the U.S. adult population achieves all four of some basic behavioral characteristics that researchers say would constitute a “healthy lifestyle” and help protect against cardiovascular disease, a recent study concluded. In this study, researchers from Oregon State University (OSU) and the University of Mississippi examined how many…

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Summer Vacations

Summer Vacations

Warmer weather and longer evenings entice us to think about a vacation in the sun away from the stresses of work and routine at home. Before setting off, it could be beneficial to prepare and support your immune and digestive systems to reduce the chance of being ill on vacation. Stress:   Putting both emotional and…

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What Are Adaptogenic Herbs?

What Are Adaptogenic Herbs?

Adaptogenic herbs also referred to as “adaptogens,” are defined as agents that support the body’s ability to accommodate varying physical and emotional stresses. How many times can you think of a point in your life where you could use that? (for example, stress at work, family stress, and physical stress on your body.) Is this…

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Health Organization Resources

Health Resources

Nursing.org’s goal is to develop the best resources available for students in nursing across the nation, in keeping with their commitment they’ve curated on-campus and online degree guides for psychiatric nurse practitioners. These guides contain information on critical topics such as admissions requirements, course options, and job outlook that students need to know to achieve…

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5 Tips For Hay Fever

5 Tips For Hay Fever

As longer days, lighter evenings and the warmth of spring and summer sunshine begin, this can also mean the onset of the dreaded hay fever season. How does the Immune System react to Hay Fever? In hay fever sufferers the immune system is over-stimulated, perceiving pollen as a foreign invader, causing an inflammatory response and…

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7 Superfoods to Eat to Prevent Sunburn


Real sun protection doesn’t come from slathering on sunscreen. It comes from the inside out, from avoiding inflammatory foods and getting plenty of good protective fats, which help the body anti-inflame and heal.  The biggest thing you can do to prevent sunburn is to eat an anti-inflammatory diet. Avoid all grains, legumes, soy, dairy that isn’t…

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