Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Prediabetic & Healthy Adults

Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Prediabetic & Healthy Adults

The use of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) among people with insulin-dependent diabetes has gained wider acceptance, as it has shown benefit in controlling glucose even among those receiving only basal insulin. However, CGM use among non-insulin dependent diabetics, and especially among those with prediabetes or even healthy adults, is not well-established. In the Sugar Challenge Study, a…

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5 Tips to Help You Better Manage Type 2 Diabetes

5 Tips to Help You Better Manage Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the many blogs that belong to The International Diabetes Federation (IDF), an umbrella organization for over 230 national associations of diabetes in different countries around the world. There’s nothing easy about managing Type 2 diabetes.  This chronic condition requires constant vigilance and comes with a list of dietary restrictions and lifestyle…

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Carbohydrate Periodization—Fueling Exercise


by Mike Nelson, PhD, CSCS, CISSN/Personal Training Quarterly Carbohydrates and Exercise Providing carbohydrates in conjunction with exercise is not a new concept. In 1887, Montague Shearman stated, ‘‘Going into training was taken to mean the commencement of a peculiar diet of half-cooked beefsteaks and dry bread and the reduction of the daily drink to a…

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Technology Can Play an Integral Role in Senior Health

technology, senior health

As we get older, we can expect our healthcare needs to get more complex and involved. This is why it’s important to look for tools and devices that can make things easier to handle. Here are some suggestions from Destiny Management. What it Takes to Be Healthy Aging can make seniors more susceptible to chronic…

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Effects of Social Isolation on Well-Being

Social Distancing, Covid

What comes to mind when you hear someone talking about social isolation? Human beings are social creatures. By nature, humans identify with certain communities, live together, work on projects as a team, embrace each other during emotional moments, shake hands in agreement, lean on walls, etc. But the “stay at home” phrase that evolved because…

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4 Ways You Can Be More Proactive with Managing Diabetes

4 Ways You Can Be More Proactive with Managing Diabetes

For some people, diabetes is a part of everyday life. However, that does not diminish its severe risks as a disease. The World Health Organization found that approximately 1.5 million deaths in 2019 were attributed to diabetes. This illustrates why it is necessary to be proactive in managing the illness. Some factors affect how easy or how…

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Want to Start a Health and Wellness Business? Read This First

Want to Start a Health and Wellness Business? Read This First

If you have a passion for health and wellness, and you have an entrepreneurial spirit, then starting a health-based business could be right up your alley. After all, making a living by working as your own boss in an industry you love sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? However, as critical as passion is for any…

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How Strength Training Impacts Metabolism

Strength training

Strength training (or resistance training) does much more than build strong muscles and bones. Research in the past few years has confirmed that lifting weights changes human metabolism in ways that improve health and well-being. Resistance training improves resting metabolic rate and cardiorespiratory fitness. That’s a powerful swing of the pendulum from days when pushing barbells and mastering squats…

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