The Top 4 “Wrong Enemies” to Deal With Diabetes

diabetes myths

The world waits for the fight against diabetes to end. More and more generations are experiencing diabetes and it is one of the leading diseases of death. In fact, according to the latest posting by WHO (World Health Organization) in 2019, an estimated 1.5 million deaths were directly caused by diabetes. This high mortality number…

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Diabetes: Mind Over Matter

diabetes, mindset

The saying goes, the mind leads the body so whatever is in your mind will most likely be what will happen in your body. Your mind is so powerful that it directs the steps your body will make to given circumstances. Persons with diabetes tend to change their whole mindset from being normal to ill.…

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Study Reveals How Attitude Affects Eating Habits

eating habits

A study on the time and effort people put into finding out about nutrition and seeking out nutritious food, and their dietary behavior has revealed that people who focus on positive outcomes are more likely to eat healthy food than those who only seek to prevent disease. The study was carried out on a national level…

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Trulicity, diabetes

Trulicity is a weekly injection taken at any time of the day (with or without food) by adult diabetes patients under the instruction of a medical practitioner. It helps manage type two diabetes by stimulating the body to naturally release its own insulin in response to blood sugar after you eat, inhibit the release of…

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People with Peripheral Artery Disease May Have an Omega-3 Deficiency

peripheral artery disease, omega 3's

New research suggests that people with peripheral artery disease (PAD) could have lower omega-3 levels in their red blood cells than people without the disease. PAD affects 8.5 million Americans and more than 200 million people nationwide. It is a common circulatory problem that leads to narrowed arteries in the extremities and insufficient blood flow to keep up…

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Coping with Mental Health Challenges During the Pandemic

Covid-19 Stress

The global pandemic, Covid-19, has had a great effect on our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Dealing with all the uncertainty and Covid- related challenges can be overwhelming, stressful, and even cause strong emotions to both adults and children. Joblessness, having salaries slashed, caring for the sick, getting sick, schools closing, social distancing, masking, mandatory…

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Diabetes and Pregnancy

Is diabetes pregnancy high risk? Women with diabetes have an exceptional concern about their health. Pregnancy comes with new demands for the body such as food cravings, tiredness, and other hormonal changes. Such demands tend to affect diabetes medication and blood sugar levels. During early pregnancy, before thirteen weeks, heightened blood sugar levels increase the risk of…

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Nutrition, Wellness, Supplements

Nutrition, Wellness, Supplements

Νutrіtіоnаl suррlеmеnts соuld bе thе sоlutіоn tо уоur аіlmеnts іf уоu аrе suffеrіng bесаusе оf thе соnsеquеnсеs оf рооr nutrіtіоnаl hаbіts. Іf уоu hарреn tо bе оnе оf thоsе реrsоns whо іs fоrеvеr rushіng аrоund аnd hаvе а hаbіtаt stорріng аt thе fіrst соffее shор уоu nоtісе whіlе drіvіng bу, уоu аrе рrоbаblу nоt gеttіng…

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Alcohol and Sleep

alcohol abuse

Origianlly Posted from Tuck.  Our primary mission at Tuck is to promote sleep health awareness. Alcohol causes drowsiness. This has led to the popular misconception that it can aid sleep. Up to 20 percent of Americans report using alcohol as a sleep aid. However, alcohol negatively impacts the quality of your sleep, as well as how…

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How To Increase Your Testosterone Levels – Up To Date Science On The Best Way To Naturally Boost Your T-Levels

How To Increase Your Testosterone Levels

You probably know that testosterone is important for men. After all, it’s responsible for things like sex drive, sperm count, fat distribution, red blood cell count, and muscle strength. When you have low levels of testosterone, there are significant negative side effects, including: Diminished sex drive Muscle loss Increased breast size Erectile dysfunction or impotence…

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