If You’re An Athlete, You Need To Take These Supplements

If You're An Athlete, You Need To Take These Supplements

Supplements can allow you to see significant gains as an athlete. But which ones should you take? We break down everything you need to know. How was Muhammad Ali able to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee? How did Jordan take off from the free-throw line? Have you seen that one handed…

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Should I Worry About Caffeine & My Morning Supplements?

Should I Worry About Caffeine & My Morning Supplements?

Is it true my morning caffeine is depleting my minerals and B vitamins? Should I wait to take my supplements until I have finished my coffee? The short answer, Yes! Calcium All the research I can find states that per 150 mg (about one cup) of caffeine, roughly 5 mg of calcium is lost. This…

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Top 5 Vitamins & Supplements Questions Answered

How to Be Happy and Healthy All Year Long

Americans spend an astonishing $32 billion annually on 85,000 different vitamins, minerals, and other dietary supplements. But are all of these products effective, safe, and necessary? Research has confirmed that some of these supplements, such as folic acid and fish oil, can be beneficial. But many others aren’t backed by conclusive peer-reviewed research. Dietary supplements, also…

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The Most Important Attributes of Probiotics

The Most Important Attributes of Probiotics

To experience health benefits from probiotic supplementation, it’s important to understand which attributes make a probiotic effective.  Before determining which probiotics, the source, and the amounts, it is important to determine the intention of using such an intervention. Probiotics are often used for general health or as a means to restore normal function after an…

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Why Good Health Starts With Gut Health

Why Good Health Starts With Gut Health

With growing interest in the human digestive tract, many individuals are curious about overall gut health. The gastrointestinal tract starts at the mouth and continues through the colon. Throughout the gastrointestinal tract are bacteria, fungi, and archaea, also known as the gut microbiota, which play a major role in digestive and total body health.1,2 (When the term…

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Why Sports Nutrition Needs to Look Beyond Proteins

Why Sports Nutrition Needs to Look Beyond Proteins

If you go to the gym a couple of times a week and eat healthy, you can’t help but hear the word ”protein” whenever someone talks about their diet. Of course, we all know that protein is required to build and repair muscle, but many have gone a bit overboard with the amount of protein…

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5 Easy Tweaks For An Instant Focus Boost

5 Easy Tweaks For An Instant Focus Boost

You know that feeling you get when you get to the bottom of the page, and you realize you have processed absolutely nothing that you have just read?  Or, you’re looking at someone and have to ask yourself what they just said. Lack of focus can be an issue for a lot of people, but…

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Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is not classified as a vitamin, yet is synthesized by the body and is conditionally essential. Alpha lipoic acid benefits include supporting glucose metabolism, and this is perhaps it’s best-known feature.1,2,3 As a chiral molecule, it can be found in both isomeric forms (S and R) while the majority of non-specified supplemental…

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Health Organization Resources

Health Resources

Nursing.org’s goal is to develop the best resources available for students in nursing across the nation, in keeping with their commitment they’ve curated on-campus and online degree guides for psychiatric nurse practitioners. These guides contain information on critical topics such as admissions requirements, course options, and job outlook that students need to know to achieve…

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7 Superfoods to Eat to Prevent Sunburn


Real sun protection doesn’t come from slathering on sunscreen. It comes from the inside out, from avoiding inflammatory foods and getting plenty of good protective fats, which help the body anti-inflame and heal.  The biggest thing you can do to prevent sunburn is to eat an anti-inflammatory diet. Avoid all grains, legumes, soy, dairy that isn’t…

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