weight loss

Dieting vs. Exercise for Weight Loss

By Terry Linde | June 28, 2016

Two groundbreaking new studies address the irksome question of why so many of us who work out remain so heavy, a concern that carries special resonance at the moment, as lean Olympians slip through the air and water, inspiring countless viewers to want to become similarly sleek.  And in a just world, frequent physical activity…

Lower Back Pain

Avoiding Lower Back Pain

By Terry Linde | June 22, 2016

Statistically, 80% of people experience back pain on a moderate to severe pain level throughout a lifetime. There are two critical times that you are at a higher risk for injury. One is upon waking in the morning. Your back is swollen at this time, as your discs have extra fluid in them from not…

Agility Drills

Agility Drills

By Terry Linde | June 15, 2016

Agility drills can generally be classified into two categories – open and closed.  Closed drills are preprogrammed drills, performed in a predictable and unchanging environment.  The focus should be primarily on proper movement mechanics, proper body position, and simple changes of direction.  The drills should be performed at a speed that allows proper execution of…

Nutrition Score

New Nutrition Score May Help Consumers Make Better Food Choices

By Terry Linde | June 8, 2016

As part of an effort to help consumers better understand a food’s nutritional value, researchers at RTI International (Research Triangle Park, NC) developed an algorithm that gives food an overall nutrition score that could make it easier for consumers to make healthy food choices. The algorithm, published in the December issue of the Journal of…

mental acuity

Maintaining Mental Acuity

By Terry Linde | June 1, 2016

These days, it seems that we can all name several people suffering from some sort of memory loss, whether it be the effects of age-related dementia, or simply the “foggy-brained” symptoms that can accompany a slowing metabolism and changing hormones. Age-related decline is on the rise, with one in eight older Americans diagnosed with Alzheimer’s,…

Supplements for Pets

Supplements for Pets?

By Terry Linde | February 15, 2016

Are you an avid pet lover?   In a perfect world, the food we give our pets should handle all of their health needs (as with ourselves); however, some supplemental intervention may be required just as with people. Arthritis and Joint Issues As animals age, they become susceptible to arthritis and other joint issues just like…

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga Can Be A Benefit For Post-Partum Depression

By Terry Linde | February 9, 2016

A recent study examined whether women practicing yoga during pregnancy would show health benefits reflected in more adaptive cortisol and affective responses to a single 90-min yoga session, and longer-term benefits as reflected by reduced postnatal depressive symptoms. Women who practiced yoga during pregnancy showed lower mean cortisol levels and higher positive mood on days…