Head-to-Toe Health Tips for People with Diabetes

Head-to-Toe Health Tips for People with Diabetes

When a person is diagnosed with diabetes, it’s normal for them to feel stressed and overwhelmed. There’s a lot to learn. The good news is there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of diabetes-related issues. By adopting healthy lifestyle habits, you can see benefits in your daily life with diabetes. All three…

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5 Foods to Avoid If You Are Prediabetic

5 Foods to Avoid If You Are Prediabetic

The word prediabetes is a terrifying one. Researchers tell us that having this condition doubles your risk of getting diabetes and triples your chances of dying from cardiovascular disease. Unfortunately, 50% to 70% of Americans who have type 2 diabetes are unaware they have it because the symptoms don’t show up until severe damage has…

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10 Tips to Maintain Good Health during Covid-19

10 Tips to Maintain Good Health during Covid-19

Since the coronavirus outbreak, many people have been concerned about their health. Whether you are a carrier of the coronavirus or not, it is important to maintain good health. Sometimes you don’t know that you are infected if you are having uncommon symptoms like urinary incontinence etc. Even if you’re not infected by this disease,…

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What to Know About Diabetes


Diabetes is a condition where your body’s glucose or body sugar is too high. Diabetes is a long-term disease through which your health condition affects how your body converts food into energy. Blood sugar or glucose in the form of energy that your body needs, which comes from the food you eat. But when your…

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Time Dependent Effects of Exercise

Circadian Rhythm

Two new interdependent papers have been released studying the time-dependent effects of exercise. The studies show that exercising at different times of the day can modulate the outcomes, showing promise for athletes looking to up their game. Circadian science studies systemic energy homeostasis and metabolic pathways about the body’s in-built circadian rhythm. Cells work autonomously with…

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5 Tips to Help You Better Manage Type 2 Diabetes

5 Tips to Help You Better Manage Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the many blogs that belong to The International Diabetes Federation (IDF), an umbrella organization for over 230 national associations of diabetes in different countries around the world. There’s nothing easy about managing Type 2 diabetes.  This chronic condition requires constant vigilance and comes with a list of dietary restrictions and lifestyle…

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Alcohol and Sleep

alcohol abuse

Origianlly Posted from Tuck.  Our primary mission at Tuck is to promote sleep health awareness. Alcohol causes drowsiness. This has led to the popular misconception that it can aid sleep. Up to 20 percent of Americans report using alcohol as a sleep aid. However, alcohol negatively impacts the quality of your sleep, as well as how…

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