Health Benefits of Breath Control Yoga for Cardiac Patients

Health Benefits of Breath Control Yoga for Cardiac Patients

By Terry Linde | September 24, 2022

What is yoga? It is derived from a Sanskrit root called ‘Yuj’ meaning ‘To join’ or ‘To unite’. People ask if it is a religion or a faith but, it’s nothing like that. Yoga is a spiritual discipline that focuses on bringing peace and harmony between our mind and body. It is strongly recommended to…

How Is CBD Proved To Be A Well Source Of Mind Relaxation

How Is CBD Proved To Be A Well Source Of Mind Relaxation?

By Terry Linde | September 23, 2022

If you are a fitness enthusiast, you might have come across many organic or plant-based solutions to keep your physical and mental health intact. Be it Green vein Kratom strain or vegan meat alternatives, there are plenty of options available these days to help you cope with the challenges of a fast-paced world. Likewise, CBD,…

Types of Vitamins You Should Take Every day For Healthy Hair

Types of Vitamins You Should Take Every day For Healthy Hair

By Terry Linde | September 22, 2022

Vitamins are essential for cell production, hormone balance, and a healthy immune system. Your body can’t make vitamins on its own and must get them from food or supplements. Taking a daily multivitamin is the best way to get enough of these nutrients. However, many people have deficiencies in vitamins that leave their hair looking…

tips for personal growth

5 Important Tips for Achieving Personal Growth

By Terry Linde | September 21, 2022

Photo Credit: Nathan Cowley via Pexels You’ll need to undergo personal growth to succeed in your life, but personal growth is rarely straightforward. It often means battling through anxiety, uncertainty, and inner pain. However, if you grow as a person, you can achieve happiness, financial freedom, and career success. Here’s how you can acquire personal…

Ten Master Keys to Branding Your Health & Wellness Business

By Terry Linde | September 20, 2022

The global health and wellness industry is expanding at a solid pace. In the U.S., the sector’s profit is expecting a yearly growth of 5% until 2024. And one reason why the health and wellness sector is experiencing such growth is that people are beginning to pay more attention to their physical and mental health.…

Incorporating Transverse-Plane Core and Rotation Work

By Terry Linde | September 14, 2022

When you watch someone hit a golf ball, throw a punch or simply retrieve groceries from the car, it’s evident that human movement occurs in all three planes of motion. Did you know that 87.5% of our core muscles are oriented either diagonally or horizontally? One action that these muscles perform is rotation (Santana 2000). The diagonal…

diabetes self management education

Some Quality-of-Life Improvement Observed with Diabetes Self-Management Education

By Terry Linde | September 7, 2022

Diabetes self-management education is associated with improvements in patient-reported quality of life, though findings vary between different interventions, according to findings from a systematic review. “This research demonstrated that implementing components of diabetes self-management education can positively influence quality of life in adults and youth with type 1 diabetes,” Patricia Davidson, DCN, RDN, CDCES, LDN, professor in the department…

Low Carb & Kidney Health

Low Carb & Kidney Health

By Terry Linde | September 5, 2022

A paper published recently in Molecular Biology Reports highlights various mechanisms by which very low carb diets or ketogenic diets (KDs) may be helpful for chronic kidney disease (CKD). Although research supports the use of these diets for a wide array of medical conditions, exploration regarding efficacy for CKD is a new, emerging area. Being that diabetes,…


Better Overnight Time-in-Range, Worse Sleep Quality with Closed-Loop Insulin Delivery

By Terry Linde | September 2, 2022

Older adults with type 1 diabetes using hybrid closed-loop insulin pump therapy had more time in range during sleep, but worse sleep quality compared with those using sensor-augmented therapy, according to study findings. “This randomized trial provides the first evidence that, during objectively measured sleep, closed-loop automated basal insulin delivery improves time in range and…

Has Your Wellness Journey hit a Plateau? When to Consider a Personal Trainer

By Terry Linde | August 31, 2022

If you feel you’ve reached a plateau in your wellness journey, you may be wondering if a personal trainer could help you. It’s worth considering, too, as many people turn to trainers when they lack motivation. This could be a great idea if your wellness journey is no longer moving forward. Or if you have…